maandag 23 augustus 2021

De Boed during weekends

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It has been nice weather for today, it's strange how my mind wasn't in for it. I rather wanted it to rain and gloom, like any other day but that might be a bit crazy for some. It's also been the first day off school today for schoolkids. 


I have been low on energy for a while. I feel drained from energy and it's hard to decide where that comes from as I have always been low on energy and often tired. Maybe I should watch my food better and not just eat whatever I like. I believe in the power off good foods and healthy foods but most off the time it's hard for me to resist sweet foods. I try to hold on to more healthy, however. I haven't kept myself to it this month. I could whine about other things. I could also whine about still being recognized in the streets by people for to have been on the Vana Events forum. That happened this week while I was off for a walk around the corner. His friend said something along the lines off 'She's nice.' when he looked at me, but that wasn't his intention. I felt rather complimented for someone calling me nice over being looked at by a punk. That happened this weekend, other than that the weekend was just a frightfull but in general boring one seen what actually did happen in my life. Nothing but a short walk and having coffee, and being looked at as if I was some sort off mega star in a previous life. Hahaha. 

At night I couldn't sleep so I baked cookies, and Sunday was even more depressing. de Boed on Sunday is usually a boring place. Except for excellent sandcookies (If I do say so myself) nothing interesting happened. We even had a plain meal people complained about. Psychiatric health is ment to keep you calm but it's often a spirit less place during sundays. I happened to have painted a few rocks several shades off blue with golden dots, and one canvas with the same idea and it looks nice, I felt inspired, but while doing that two times a fight broke out with people yelling at each other (Allright, that's not boring. But it wasn't truly fun to be creative on Saturday.) I'm even tired from the weekend. It wasn't a weekend to rest. This is what you would call a madhouse these days. People in psychiatric health care usually aren't calm and peacefull, they can be violent and agressive and dangerous and that's why they are kept here at a safe place under protection. I'm not a prissy either, but I wouldn't shout agressiveness out loud or be violent to people. It's getting more insane by the day. Care takers are trying to get me calm with talks and words, but sometimes even I had it up to here. 

I wish I had an option to choose a diffrent life, one away from this madness. I feel so vulnerable these days, that is not a good thing.

Allright, that's about it- thank you for reading.      

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