zondag 9 februari 2025

Good morning at the 9th off February, 2025.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's too dark outside to see the weather yet. 


I painted my nails with the limited Pearlfection nailpolish, C01 Mother off Pearlfection by Catrice. It's a limited edition from this season. 

I love limited editions. This series was entirely bought by me, including highlighter, lipgloss and eye pencils. I really felt like spoiling myself, and the package with the round tip felt somewhat original. It's been a long time since buying a limited edition. This entire year I was like 'This is crisis Netherlands. How many people do you think actually walk around with these? Wouldn't you make a fool out off yourself if you would wear them?' A voice that was really strict, but not lying to you, I purchased a few items. Not whole sets. Only if I really wanted something. My inner dad was too strict for going wild with it. And I did not want to attract the wrong attention. That's really important here. Not to look like too much. What made me think to purchase it this year? I suspect heaping it up last year. Not allowing myself all the time, and then this clashed out. Appearently, I'm not a saint. It's not a danger, I could afford. I got the public eye in mind all the time last year. Maybe I let go more off that thought when I bought it and put it on. And so to say, if the old folks off de Boed just think it's fabulous instead off vulgair, then it's not a point. 

I don't find these mesmerizing nailpolishes too wild, or too much. If I keep the rest off my outfits agreeable, it's really fancy, but not vulgair. Pearls are not vulgair. Thats what I think. I live with elderly people who actually like these, so it's agreed upon. 

I think this pearl make-up would look great with bright red lipstick. Then you would go for the really cool chique antique effect with it. Like a 1950's or '60's dance. Really fancy. Or you could be the bride with these. Someone on a low budget could perfectly get married with this limited edition on. Or what I do, wear it with fuzzy pastels and look modern and cute. 

It's 06.37 in the morning, why did I came to be out off bed so early? Well, it's early Sunday morning. So what frustrated retards do: overplay loud music by an obscene artist and wake up the entire flat complex. It's so aso and it's too late to call the police for it. And no one dares to say something about it, it's a violent aso who does so. But I think we're all wide awake by now. It's quiet at the moment, but the man really had an episode with that loud crap. It's difficult, starting my day like this and get all shook up. Not preferable for a mental patient like me. 

And I solved my birthday treat issue. I found two packages off baking mix for chocolate cherry tray cake in my pantry, supposed to stay well untill 2026. I feel I'm going to fix these for my birthday treat at de Boed this year. August is not near yet, but it's a good option. 

Instead off getting in trouble, I decided to do my nails. That man is really dangerous, and no one wants to get in trouble with him. But it's worthit a call for health care since it crosses a line on Sunday morning. I feel a certain type off moodyness that comes with this shit. I'm going to finish these nails with topcoat, and then start my day if it's willing. I hope health care can solve it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.           

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