Good morning everyone,
This night is very cold, close to freezing point.
We should not compare ourselves to others, it's a rule off thumb for the internet. Meanwhile a voice in my head started saying: 'Some cheeks just look like an orgasm, while yours...' when looking at a make-up video where the YouTuber really had done her best on her cheek make-up, blusher, liquid shimmering bronzers, pretty highlighter, another shiny blush- really like the starsign Pisces ideal off cheeks. (They're known, or at least I know them, for being fancy. And fond off make-up.)
In my head, it started to compare hers to my video where I just wore the blush 'Berry Cute.' And my cheeks just wheren't it. I'm not jealouse. I'm just comparing. The voice saying I should make more work out off my cheeks. I come from a period where I felt all grungy, rebelling aginst the beauty ideal. Someone broke my heart, and I just did not feel like being overly pretty. Actually, I felt like doing the complete opposite and do more like anti-war statement looks on myself. They're expecting you to combat with better looks, while I actually think off him as a complete loser not worthit the fight. So no overdone make-up for him from me, just ugly, broken hearted anger and grunge. And anti-war statements, since, let's face it, we're in a war-era. But it's not because I wanted to portray Marilyn effin Monroe that I started to wear red lipstick. Red lipstick is known as statement lipstick. I always picture myself with it and post it on Facebook when I do so. Not for the men, but for the peace - statement. Just like my haircut and the dirty blonde hairdye. It's statement. Though I felt being a little more playfull with it yeaterday and blowing air into it.
This is what I look like nowadays, it's not like total neglect or deep rotten depression anymore. I started to do my refined 'beauty secrets.' again, that make me look better. It's not total neglect, but it's been four crushes and a whole new life later ever since that low-hearted jerk broke me. Seven years, actually. And meanwhile I felt like falling for four other men and recently I felt like saying that neglected look goodbye and go for it again. My cheeks don't look like a make-up orgasm yet, but I'm getting my natural self togheter again.
This is me with my statement wear. Anti-war statement red lipstick, and the statement haircut in dirty blonde. I also wear some mascara on this picture. I serve coffee each week with this on. My coffee audience loves it and started calling me Marilyn Monroe. (With all respect to her.) But it's not the effect I'm after. This is ment to be statement. I take effort for the lipstick, I use balm, liner, a lipbrush and cotton tips to make it look good. This world is too rotten serious for badly done statement lips. People say it's too bold, but we're at a death serious war. It can't be bold enough. It's what I care about. Moonlight flushed orgasm cheeks are probably after I got proposed or so. Otherwise I don't see myself doing them. But maybe I got somewhat inspired. Doing pretty princess cheeks on myself. Lately, I have been doing pearl nails, so maybe I'm a bit bitten by the pearls and the shimmers. A coffee lady should look pulled well-togheter and fancy. While she serves outstanding coffee, and knows what to do in the coffee room.
I think statement looks kick more ass than all the other looks at the moment. Pretty or not, it's the least we can do for Ukraine and peace.
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading
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