zaterdag 22 februari 2025

Good afternoon at the 22th off February, 2025.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is a grey day in the Netherlands. 


I changed my mind, I think there won't be peace soon after all, not some sort off insight from the universe, but just a general idea off the process off peace conversations between Trump and Putin, especially when the rest off them don't agree on what Trump has to say. We shouldn't hang out the flag too early. And we should be weary. Who am I to say so? Well, err.... I'm just a person who suspects it won't be peace soon. I think the world can hold on to it's survival methods to keep their budget sane. For another year at least. It's really lethal to do wrong peace predictions, but my insights are so vague and blurry, I just can't do so. In my 'worst case scenario.' It was 2028. And we lost the war. That means we're still in it very deep. If this situation doesn't clear up, it's just a blast from Trump. Not a real peace agreement. I think it's getting to look more and more like that. It's too unclear to see, but after what I've read in the news, the Republican party in the U.S disagreeing with Trump, I think it won't be serious peace soon. I think this war is really going to screw us over. Just like this decade. That's all I think I know. I just don't know when it will be peace, I just started to think these conventions are not going to do it. What am I? A specialist? With a little luck I'm too unimportant to be declared off importance for all off this. Otherwise I'm stupid. I think my predictions should not be taken serious. That would be too much. Unless it's a 'worse case scenario.' prediction, and it helps you to prepare for the longer term. Then please take it serious, and do what you need to do to keep your situation healthy and liveable. Then I might sound like an expert, but I'm familiair with long term poverty. So I think I know a few things about that. But that's not really a prediction. Just make certain you can survive for somewhat off a long time. That's what I think is for sure. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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