donderdag 27 februari 2025

Good evening at the 27th off February, 2025.

 Good evening everyone, 

This evening it's raining outside. It's been cold. But doable if you had to be inside all day. 


Maybe the 'O' - word was a bit too much on the previous weblog. I imagine steady camping boys who are not off my interest falling out off a pine cone tree on Corsica when reading that. And really, I'm not after that effect. Not with the camping boys. And honest, there's interesting men, and there's camping boys. But you know it, you got them reading it. I'm not really attractive either, but, you know, it's the wrong kind off attention from the wrong audience. I think I should keep my words tame on here to keep a nice image, and to keep the wrong male gaze out. It's a statement and personal life blog, we're not after that sort off attention. I want my neighbours to be capable to watch without feeling ashamed, and my neighbours are over their 70's. Or do I? Then I should really tame it down. It's a lame excuse. I just don't want le them camping boys to 'feel it.' due to that word.   

Today was for being sick at home after coffee service. I felt really sick after it, and stayed in for the entire afternoon. I got visited by a care taker who was really nice company and helped me through. Making me watch Spirit on Netflix. It was a nice film. Really worthit the watch, and the feeling faded somewhat throughout the evening. I have no fever, and they're not after determing what my problem is. So I'm actually a bit gloomy in for no official reason. But it's no big problem. Latest gadget from the care office: Armpit thermometers. I think I don't want to know how gross that thing actually is. They used to have ear thermometers with plastic caps, so it's been quite hygienic. They put it in my ear to measure if I had a fever. I wonder what happened to it, they should bring it back. I think that armpit thing is too gross. 

So, I ended up staying in watching a film. It's no punishment in my cute tiny home. That's the luck I got with this. I promised tomorrow I will attend for coffee at de Boed again. But being in and taking it easy has priority if it 'has to be and feel like this.' 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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