zondag 2 maart 2025

Good morning at the 2nd off March, 2025.

 Good morning everyone, 

Tonight it's cold outside in The Netherlands. 


Today is not for sharing a baking, since I had a friend over for a tea visit yeaterday. I had too little time to bake something. But I think it's not that much off an issue. And little do we have to celebrate. People can sign in their tax forms. Whooptiedo. It's really not much off a festive weekend, also taking in consideration what happened in the Oval office related to world peace. I think to have baked would have been inapropriate. Simply to have had someone over for tea is not a crime. But my fellow clients hopefully will get it. Though I think I'm going to hear they miss it today. 

I'm a bit sensitive for what's appropriate, and what isn't. I try not to be unsensitive or ignorant with things. Most off the times I care, untill I realize it's a waste off my energy and it stops. Sometimes I'm a bit hard headed in that. It's important to care, and be capable to take care. If not for someone else, then certainly for one's self. We should not be selfish, spoiled and indulged, but the basics for life need maintaining. Even in these times. It's important to care enough for yourself to do it. 

I think Natasha Marchal only cares for the make-up and the lipstick I wear. Not for the message and the blogs I have written about her. Shallow and empty hearted as she always has been. My beauty doesn't depend on make-up. And it's not the latest limited edition in make-up that gets you there. She wish she could get it with make-up. But that's all she cares about. In my head, I saw people caking on thick layers off vulgair make-up after my previous blog, thinking they could get close to look like me that way. (But it's a diffrent kind off beauty. Simply to splurge make-up for it is not my thing.) Not even caring about what I said. I think Natasha Marchal is jealouse at my beauty, thinks Mark is in love with me, and can't stand me for that reason. It's such a tut. And she doesn't listen to what I have to say. That itches most about it from my side. It's not the Catrice limited edition that does it. But I think there's no sane conversation possible with that woman. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  



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