Good morning everyone,
This night it's icy cold in the Netherlands.
Europe is going to invest 800 billion in warfare, politics head more to the right and the conservative, and there are voices to start nuclear power plants in The Netherlands at a scale where it was first unthinkable. All due to war. Let me tell you this: It's going to be like this for the entire upcoming decade. We have no choice and it will all be as shocking and conservative well behaved politically correct as a naked ass. It matches my 'worst case.' visions. Even the war vehicles match the visions. Lump as they are. I hope it doesn't go wrong from here, it's a possibility. But in the main scenario we will get out off this. And things will turn out to be allright again after seven years from now. In 2032 the crisis is over, untill then it's big business for warfare. It even gets to a point where they want to re-work coal-fired power stations and coal mines. It's getting that desperate for energy. And the fossil industry will reign. It's pitch black for environmental activists. We have no choice but to accept for now. We can't work against this big war fist. It is what it is. But once it will end. That's what I think I can say for now. That this shit won't be forever going on. And there will be true peace again. That's what I hold on to to keep my head held up high. (If that vision is correct. I doubt, doubt, doubt so much lately.) I heard a voice that 'This matery is great to put inspiration from, but not to blindly follow.' It's a shady way to get informed about this. I'm getting a bit insecure from things going on. And what if it turns out diffrent? Then I would make a fool out off myself. It's not over soon, but it will end in the relatively short term for such a war. And we have to take count off growth marks that are not correct. They are displayed way more sunny than they actually are. There is far less economic growth in Europe than what they tell us. Something is wrong with that. It's just not possible for me to prove.
Offcourse I fear, fear that my vision goes wrong, and we will get on the wrong path. But I don't fear warfare itself, or the upcoming period too much. I don't want to talk right what's going on. It's not to my preference. It's just that I know we have no choice but to accept. Temporarily. We have to grid our teeth a bit deeper. Scratch euros a bit harder, and hope for the better in the future. One day, peace will come. It's just that it's less positive during this time and day off age.
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.
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