Good morning everyone,
It's a dark and cold night in The Netherlands.
I feel I'm full with inspiration to cook daring things. It's a bit outstanding, since lately I felt like preparing potatoes, vegetables and meat all the time. My way, it's delicious, but it's the other end off edgy, it's as dull as the streetbricks in this country where you can stil cook anything.
What would work: An affordable Albert Heijn. And people who are less stuck up with our Dutch culture and tradition. It's just that this way off eating is very affordable, you get everything in when it comes to nutritions, and it can count on mass appreciation when you show such a plate on the internet. And it's good if prepared well. So it has it's pro's. During crisis, it feeds the nation, so I should not look down on it. It's just that untill the crisis broke out, untill I had to eat at de Boed actually, I could call myself a foodie. With several creative cookbooks on the shelves. By renowed Dutch chefs who have put their heart and soul in it. I loved trying all sorts off food, and work with receipes from these books and the internet. When eating at de Boed, I could display my talent several times. I was allowed to cook foods in their professional health care institute kitchen several times, and I had an almost professional soup kitchen where I could play. The results where always perfect. Always very satisfied eaters, fancy old audiences who could appreciate, and ratchet fellow client men with their heart at my feet for my food.
I don't seek an audience for my food work these days. Just playing around in the kitchen would be great, like we used to in the good old '10's. It's just that it's more expensive than ever. I had a thought where with Saturn, Aries could grid the stones in it's stomach for these expensive prices, while with Uranus some time ago he could enjoy great foods. (Saturn in Aries will be from 2025 untill 2028, The Uranus in Aries transit was from 2011 untill 2019) Neptune, the great inspirator, will be in it for a longer period. And maybe it's Neptune that gives me that inspiration. It's just that sad insight that with Saturn in Aries, the world can grid the stones in their stomach when it comes to food. Just a sincere thought. Saturn in Taurus will give us the tableware but no foods on it, and Saturn in Gemini will finally make us (all, also the low incomes.) eat again in moderation. It's really a sad insight. With these food prices. I don't litterally have to grid stones, I have to duck prices with potatoes, vegetables and meat. And I heard the prices even will be increased. Just like the energy costs. You could say I'm lucky for not litterally having to grid the stones in my stomach, I should be gratefull for it, and a care taker would rant I'd better be, since 'there are so many sad and sore people who can't eat to begin with' and so on. It just doesn't make the foodie in me happy. Untill 2019, I had diffrent acces to foods, with affordable XLAlbert Heijns beyond the corner. Or if it would have been like this, I would have just been stretching my leggs to Aldi and Lidl. But those times are over. I live very far off from shops in this current town. I mainly order from the Picnic grocery app. It comes in very handy, and it's fruits and vegetables always look perfect. I hope it's fresh fruits I can grid instead off stones. But I'm too poor to be working my hobby as a foodie. I can just still eat good. Old fashioned way healthy, and have three meals a day. But I'd better forget it when it comes to big masterpieces in the kitchen. I think the New Moon in Aries doesn't give the right inspiration this time, as a warming up to the upcoming transits. Planets in Aries make me very creative in the kitchen. It causes inspiration to do so. It's not known for it, but it has that effect on me. Combined with the old Pluto in Capricorn, my food was a true work off art at that time. I call it my Ikigai, like how Japanese call such energy. It's a waste off money nowadays. Money we better be spare with.
'Armoede houd een mens knap.' (Poverty keeps a person decent.) Like how an old neighbour used to say often before she died. Being this poor, I don't have to be concerned causing witchcraft in the kitchen, and lose my mind over an own-thought out receipe and become delusional about something, and it gets too good to be true when I do so. Messy kitchens, and health care that can't keep me under control when I do so. I can't control myself when I let it run out too freely. But then I would finally be practicing a hobby again. Most off the time, I'm not that free anymore with creative energy. I keep myself a bit caught up. To not make this flat messy. Since they would not like me to do that. There's a lot off reasons to be moderate at the moment. But I feel inspired to do things. Maybe I should practice my inspiration a bit diffrent, or follow a few parts instead off some idiotic things. Otherwise I might fall in love with an unknown man again I got delusional about. Delusions can be that lethal.
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.
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