dinsdag 4 maart 2025

Good morning at the 4th off March, 2025.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's a steady cold night in The Netherlands. 


The art off crisis is to stay perfectly clean. I maintain, I do it. I just wonder if I can keep up with it after this crisis is done. To keep things just as smooth and fresh. I'm not that much off a home maker. Though it's perfectly maintained, and I cook foods several times a week. I had a voice in my head: 'Men wish their wife was like you. Even gay men wish their boyfriend was like you. Not for looks, for charms or money, but for maintaining a home and preparing fresh foods every day for them.' I'm not very emancipated. 'Oh, look. Maaike has done her chores and cooked food again.' Often I post about it on the internet, with pictures. I got the perfect old fashioned Dutch name siding it, making people feel very homey and comfortable. But it's a woman who has done all that. I don't mind when people feel like that with me, it's the biggest compliment I can get. I'm almost part off Dutch authenticity myself with such a name. People think I'm cute for doing all that. But it's role convirmation. Not that I have a man, I'm too sick and too poor for that. But maybe I set a wrong example or a certain tone off voice for this. Though I love it. I'm not doing bad with it. People love me for it, and I think my mom is proud. But maybe I'm a bit old fashioned with all off it. Though I feel that during this crisis, it's more necessairy than ever. I'm such a cozy goose with what I do with this name, it's how men fall better in love in the Netherlands than with the most seductive barbie doll. When a woman has a cute, old fashioned name, and does what I do. But will I keep up with it? It's a certain pressure under which I seem to work well. I used to slack before. The home was more off a mess, and cooking was diffrent. Sure, after the crisis I will still be making pancakes, or mop the floor and cook authentic Dutch foods, but as steadily frequent as today? Or does the Rockchick in me take over and let it all fly by? I better don't. I'm watched by this care organisation. It makes me feel a bit insecure. I do very well for my doing, simply feeling the importance off this a little more. And I have several fans among friends I don't want to let down. I hope the demons and the monsters which would make me screw up will stay away in me after this crisis. It's quite a role on my shoulders. Maybe I could tie it a little less strict. Give more air to myself. But darn, can my parents be proud off what I do? Keeping the home clean, keeping myself clean and fed, entertaining the nation with it during war time- all off that. During this era it goes more fluently than during other times. Today will be for the laundry, and washing up in the kitchen, ever since yesterday it's been a mess. And then taking it more slow for the rest off the week. Handy thing about doing chores on Monday, is that it's done for the rest off the week. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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