donderdag 17 oktober 2024

Good evening at the 17th off October, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a cloudy day in Autumn. 


I'm typing this while my nails are drying. I have a weekend ahead off family visiting. I don't know if it's this time off era, but I feel like such a craving for green. Just like someone can feel like eating nasi, or a certain potato chips, I feel like wearing nice green tones. So my nails are 'inner Peas' by Essence. Green as my current camouflage colour? Almost. But it's nice. It's the colour off the heart-chakra, the planet Uranus in Taurus and it feels safe and comfortable wearing it. It's not a bad colour, and the neighbours don't mind. 

Uranus in Taurus requires conventional, traditional ways to get what you need out off a situation. And nice greens compliment that. 

I got some more pictures from my phone from Zaandijk, my home town. I hope you don't mind me posting them. 


Last one is a really nice overvieuw on the river Zaan, if you walk up to the rowing club, and look back, you get a really nice overvieuw over the windmills and de Zaanse Schans. I had the luck the weather was working with when I photographed. It looks romantic that way. Almost from a children's book or a movie, or a fairytale. Almost like Wind in the Willows. Upcoming Monday, I will photograph at de Zaanse Schans. I might take several pictures spread over several days, if one day on it's own is too much. Having to walk to get more sleep ain't so bad, after all. These subjects are timeless, they can't be taken away. De Zaan, the Windmills, the old fashioned culture off the Netherlands. It's in our heart. And it should remain. And it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, they are free for the eye to see. 

This morning was for coffee service. I have been serving coffee at de Boed as my volunteer job. I make good coffee, compliments all over again. It's good we still have it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

woensdag 16 oktober 2024

Good evening at the 16th off October, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a nice day, it wasn't too sunny, but it was warm enough to have a sit outside near the coi-carp pond. 


I decided to do more walks, simply because mental health adviced them to sleep better. They somewhat work. I feel more tired and I sleep longer when I walk a lot. I made some stunning, 'proud to be Dutch.' pictures, I like to show them on here: 

I made them in the touristic area off this town. All stunning pictures off monuments and national heritage. Made spread over several days off walking around. The last ones are from the Dutch cocoa factory, and the street where it's situated. I have the luck with the weather and the sunshine these days. It works out so pretty. It's almost unbelievable. Alongside the angle off my phone, the pictures off Zaandijk turn out really sweet. And walking around this place simply works. For my mind and body to sleep better. Otherwise I just sat on that chair, having coffee all day. And walking works against a troubled mind. It works to sort out stuff in my head. This weblog could help Dutch to feel proud off their country. I hope it somewhat makes them. 

Now, what do Dutch eat for dessert? 😉

A bowl off syrup waffle vla! Offcourse. I granted myself that, usually I only allow myself cheap vanilla, but I wanted something diffrent for once in a while. So syrup waffle it is. 

It's important to feel proud off our country these days. It's war, times are difficult, and people do hard. I feel we should feel connected to our country. I think it's not legid for the extreme right wing in politics to have claimed it. It's something bigger. I  myself also feel connected to the antiques. Simply indulging in national pride this entire crisis long. I don't know if it's right or wrong, but Dutch pride is not a bad thing. Maybe it fades after all off this is done. Who knows? It's just that there's a proud farm lady in my head, een trotse boerin, Proud off her heritage. Like a lot off people here. I wish they would not mess with this country. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

maandag 7 oktober 2024

Good evening at the 10th off October, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a nice and sunny day in fall with every now and then a rainshower. 


I have something idiotic in my head, and I let you know this as my nailpolish dries, since that's what blogging is perfect for: To let painted nails dry while writing. 

But it could be peace before this very Christmas. I'm the worst idiot out there if it isn't true, it's almost too optimistic, and I got it whispered in by 'voices.' But honest, couldn't it be peace tomorrow if they would all come to the right agreement? I'm a charlatan, and prediciting out loud in public is too hard, but I think it could be peace in Ukraine before Christmas 2024. And the world will not be so doomed like when it will be pulled over 2028, for example. It would be so much better off with peace and calmth in Western Europe after that! 

But honest, in my mind everything is possible right now. It's blurry, vague and unclear. But peace before Christmas this year? Just an idea. Yes, please! 

Tomorrow is for a small occasion at de Boed, so it's for the green shade 'Inner Peas.' By Essence. I made the goodbye treats, I have been baking all afternoon in their kitchen for them. Two Dutch applepies, a quark tart and a Monchou cake. We're about to wave a care taker goodbye who has been on this location for quite long. And they asked me to bake. And that's been my afternoon: Kinda buisy, but people will be thankfull for my treats tomorrow. 

Edit: I honestly personally think next year will still be war in Ukraine, just what I personally think when I see it dry. I think we still have to grid our teeth when it comes to prices and luxury next year. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

vrijdag 4 oktober 2024

Good afternoon at the 4th off October, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is nice and sunny for a day in fall. 


I will be serving coffee this afternoon with this on my lips. It's Essence Crystal Clear lipgloss, as clear and scentless as water. But it's innocent. It's not a kissing potion, doesn't belong in a Vampire Witch's boudoir, and it's probably just what I need to look groomed at serving coffee today. I got a skinny mascara on my lashes, and my eyebrows are neatly plucked. My cousin and the neighbours have nothing to complain about. 

And it's all clear skin on me. I'm not after someone, I'm just there to serve people the best coffee in the whole wide surrounding this afternoon. And I got a 90's nude on my nails that doesn't look like poison either, I look simple yet nice enough, and that's what we aim for. 


I got this on my eyelashes. And some clear eyebrow gel from Essence. 

Essence lash brow gel mascara. I swear, I eat these. But that's due to thick eyebrows like mine. It needs to be groomed and held in place. 

 'Are you trying to potion me, or poison me?' Well, not today. Today it's just an attempt to refined delicacy. Maybe I should be glad for strict unwritten rules on what's allowed and what not. They also occure to less interesting men and women. Let's be gratefull instead off seeing it as a burden. And it depends on where you are and who you ask, but in this place, my face is enough like this today. 

I hear people laughing about me for not wearing much make-up, I'm probably the talk off town at some places. A woman my age should be indulging in make-up according to the unwritten rules for millenials. But that's just not 'me.' I prefer to keep it sane and decent. Like always. I rather believe in 'to guild the lily.' Instead off re-painting the entire flower. But that's my opinion. And clear lipgloss keeps me from biting a neck.   

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

donderdag 3 oktober 2024

Good evening at the 3th off October, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been cold but somewhat sunny. I remember being on the bench at the coi-carp pond, enjoying it. It was fresh, but kinda acceptable. 


What bends the rules off 'acceptable make-up' versus 'wickedly awesome' nowadays? Question, and it's THE biggest trend for about 8 years in a row? It's 90's! 

It's not overkill, it's subtile and classy, always looks good on everyone, and it's perfectly fit for daily live in a conservative place. Especially when it's the main trend, according to VOGUE. And has been almost a decade. And I don't mean the 90's itself, I mean this very decade. 

I want to look good, not overly done, but better than my no- make-up self, in a way that's approved by all. 90's glam kinda works. And caretakers think it's 'very cool.' Also given some are my age. We're from the 90's. So they understand, or try to understand and appreciate. If this decade had a style, it'd be 90's. Cheap to maintain during a crisis, and it doesn't cost money to develop, or so I think. It saves the companies money. But I'm not here to question motives. I just wish to point out that 'cool' equals 90's these days. And everyone loves it. It works. And nobody bats an eye for it. 

I got a 90's supermodel shade in my purse that came to save the day. It's Cream Supreme by IsaDora, and when my hands need a pick me up, like tonight, and everything else fails, I do that with a good hand cream. I painted my nails that shade with a new Essence topcoat on top, and to blog helps it dry. It makes my hands look feminine and nice. It's been in my purse for a while, and it's sold out everywhere, but 90's is modern timeless, and my advice if you seek something for a place where the rules are a bit rigid when it comes to make-up. It's a bit dry, but I think I need to tell we're at world's end here when it comes to 'acceptable.' People are used to nothing, and can take nothing when it comes to styles. I don't like to hang out dirty laundry, but they're a bit mad when it comes to that here. Since 90's is not overdone, yet it's cool, yet it's pleasing for everyone, I try a bit with that. In a way that's modest enough not to look vulgair. It stretches out to a lot off points for requirements for acceptable make-up. And yes, it's still wickedly awesome when you do it well. 

I hope I'll be forgiven when they ask, 'Why wheren't you so prone with your style?' 'Since I'm stuck to a place where I have to live up to tight rules and look fresh and normal rather than drawn to the obvious.' Since I wish to be accepted, I agree upon it and take these every day rules for common people. And to be honest, they're nice enough to me to make me find it acceptable to look acceptable. That's the story behind my 90's make up, and modest style off clothing. I think it's offensive for alternatives. People who always claimed I 'Never took them serious.' But they can shove it down their ass by now. I'm not into their rules anymore. I have a life to live. So yes, 90's to please the common eye. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


dinsdag 1 oktober 2024

Good evening at the 1st off October, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been rainy, cloudy and fresh in the Netherlands. 


Today, I did purchase in the Bloom' light by Essence, namely the lipgloss. It's vampy, it's cool and looks pretty, without it looking too much at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk during their Bingo afternoon. Elderly ladies and care takers don't take offence, while I felt awesome with it. I mean, it's raspberry colour with berry scent, officially. Old women probably think I try to mock them when I call it offensive. The package is midnight vamp, the product itself is innocent. I also purchased the eyeshadow, but it's not too offensive either. I kept my promise to my cousin today. Only mascara, and a hint off in the Bloom' light lipgloss. And flaunting was to the coffee lady. I showed her the package. And made some small talk about it. She thought it was cool. 

It's something, trying not to be offensive and over the line. It's getting a bit blurred at the point where I start to think off it as a Vampire Witch Potion to seduce. But my fancy wasn't present today, and no one took offense. 

The question: To wear or not to wear when my fancy is present, and show him what a vampire witch can do. But I better keep my hands off. Also, I think in a true Vampire Witch it's the eyeliner that does it. Like in Twilight. It's usually not the kissing potion that does it. In movies, they have cherry red lips, cherry coke lips, burgundy on their lips. And now that would not be favourable among de Boed and it's clients and staff. Naw, I better keep my hands off. It's kinda sensitive with him. But I think off kissing potions all the time with this situation. It's not favourable. Essence Juicy bomb lipgloss and lip oil with fruit flavors. 'Does it make a diffrence if a girl would use them for you?' I asked fellow clients, and they couldn't directly answer. But it made them kinda insecure and blushy when asking that. But I'm not about to kiss them with a kissing potion. I better keep my hands at home. 

For me to have purchased it was because it was right in front off my nose at the drugstore this morning. It felt too good to resist to buy. Just like my impossible fancy. It's like someone holds an ice cream in front off my nose and I'm not allowed to eat it. And vampire witch doesn't hit the nail for him. But I think a vampire witch would be a perfect seductress. I better keep the lipgloss for a Bingo afternoon. I think I would make a fool out off myself if I would try something more than that with it. I won today's Bingo and games' afternoon, though. It was nice to use my brain with those puzzles. It was better than to let it being covered in dust whem just coffeeing. I felt inspired to participate again. I think I should not allow the vampire witch in myself to truly smooch someone and assault. I better don't over-do on vampy make-up, and make people uncomfortable with myself. It's not handy. I think there's a diffrence in thinking something, and actually acting out on it with men. But I own a wickedly cool lipgloss since today, and I think it's just to flaunt as something very cool among everyone. Not as a seductive potion! I would make such a pig out off myself if I would. I better behave. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading! 



Good morning at the 1st off October, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's dark and rainy outside. It's early in the morning, and it's a serious potential for a day in Autumn. 


In front off me is a pot off detox tea, it's almost 6 AM and it's very early. I could not catch sleep anymore. I always wake up early these days. But I suspect I have slept enough. 

I decided to try 90's clothes. The cool, modern 90's style that's in fashion everywhere. Because it's cool and still edgy, and the feeling off anarchy that comes from 90's grunge appeals to me. It's to my liking. 

What's also to my liking, is that to look young and fresh, make up is not required in modern times. Most women don't wear it on a daily base if they're young, and if you have a young face, like me, you get away with it claiming I'm 7 years younger than my age, and honestly, I do get away with it... 

This is what I look like when 'I feel like it.' And I'm glad I don't need that much make up to look like I can do. I need to pluck and moisturize. And keep clean. But honestly, I can pass for 25, and that generation doesn't wear much make up, so I can pass with it. I have my own beauty secrets, but too much make up has never been one off them. Actually, that would have worked kinda contra. So, I could reccomend to my readers to wear little to no make up on a daily base if they dare. and rather care for your natural beauty. It's in fashion nowadays. 

And yes, 90's grunge. Just too awesome. I'm a 90's kid, so rumor has it I should wear it these days. All off it makes me still look young and fresh. Life is as dull as you make it, so, yes to beauty treatments and cool clothes! Also if you have to live in here, like me. 

Allright, that's about it for now, it's about time to drink my tea. 

Thank you for reading.