maandag 6 april 2020
Good afternoon at the 6th off April, 2020
Good afternoon everyone,
Today is a day for baking, Within a few moments I'll have fresh coffee and I decided on to put on some whipped cream on my applepie. It's in the oven for now. I still refuse to connect applepie to American politics. That's not adjust for Dutch classic applepie. it's an insult. (But you probably know about my statement about that by now.)
I fill my days by cooking receipes and having walks outside every now and then, I feel allright, I'm not infected, I still see why people have to stay inside these days. I wish it wasn't becomming so warm already, I hate hot summers and it's likely to become one off those as far as I see the weather these days. I feel better in lower temperatures. Aside from staying in I'm giving it a try to loose weight, simply by eating healthy foods. (Fruits and vegetables) in salads and fresh soups. But I'm allowed to treat myself a bit today. I won't dare to say applepie is a way to get in your nutritients. Though it's stuffed with apples and cinnamon. I would still eat my fresh fruits and veggies despite eating pie.
This week is for easter. I'm doing hard not being able to go visit my family this year. Everything got canceled because off corona. I wonder how long it will take for the world to get rid off it, and go back to it's usuall way off acting, despite corona probably being good for the environment. (Something I dare to say, without corona, the pollution would still be way to high around us. With corona, the environment can breathe. Though I feel with the victims.)
What will I be up to this easter, while there is nothing to do? It's important to set your priorities this year due to corona. Maybe I'll make some outstanding, nutritious salad and eat all off that by myself. But to sleep in all day and get more inspiration for that show named 'well rested/' could be an option too. I haven't made plans for that day yet.
zaterdag 4 april 2020
To live healthy- adjust more fruit to your daily diet.
I don't know if I can do a title like that these days, as it sounds a bit harsh, but I suppose it's like this.
To eat healthy foods these days is a perfect idea, not only to loose those irritating kilo's finally, but probably also to fight a certain virus that's around nowadays.
Luckily, there are lots off ways to eat healthy in creative and tasty ways. It's been on trend for a while to eat tasty salads for lunch, and puree as much vegetables in your soup as possible. You could also make a vegetable quiche, to get in a few extra proteines like cheeses and eggs. It's spring, it's a season for fresh vegetables. I forgot to take pictures off my healthy receipes, so I'm sorry to say you have to believe me on my word this time. (It's an internet rule to 'picture or it didn't happen.' I could take pictures off dirty bowls for you to believe it has take place, but that doesn't make this a blog to fill people's appetite.)
I pureed a large mango, a small banana (In my small table top blender.) and three teaspoons off good quality honey in my low- fat quark, I made a pretty large amount off it, and made it a healthy dessert for these days. Mangoes are just too tasty for their own good sometimes.
I made a deal with one off the Leviaan care-takers, after hearing her complain she just doesn't know what to do with all those raspberries usually comming from her raspberry bushes: I got her to donate a lot off them to the kitchen belonging to 'de Boed.' so I can process them into great snacks and probably desserts for fellow clients. (I told her raspberries are extremely expensive if you have to buy them anywhere. And that I would perfectly know what to do with hers if she would like to donate them. I have a secret wish to own a berry garden with several kinds off own grown berries one day whenever I get out off protected living.)
It's a good thing to have people in your social circle with berry bushes or other fruit trees in their gardens. Sometimes it's good to be a bit bald and politely ask them to share, though berry season is in late summer, beginning autumn. (I expect hers to arrive in september. It's still no excuse not to eat fruit untill then.)
Fruit desserts are perfect to boost your immune system. So is adjusting low-fat quark or yoghurt, as it's good for your guts. I love to adjust some oven baked apples ( I adjusted a hint off butter to them, though.) to my quark and I suggest you not to forget to eat citrus fruits like fresh mandarins or oranges, to boost your vitamin c. I would try a kiwi now and then, and if you can stand their bitterness it's a good snack for some extra vitamins.
You probably get the idea, eat fruits, boost your immune system and make sure to live more healthy.
Saturday afternoon coffee moment- lonesome but safe.
The only one to keep me company today is my cat - spoon.
I love coffee and I still have a lot in the coffee maker to drink. Sometimes I wish I had a relationship, so he could drink and eat with me (Sometimes I joke to myself that it would safe me from obesity if I had a man to help me with my foods and drinks.) If he isn't allergic or intolerant to stuff, that would almost kill a relationship for me.
I went for a walk outside a few minutes ago, to still get fresh air and a calm state off mind, (Around the neighbourhood) and then went back in and got myself a cup. Usually coffee moments at the Boed community centre are with more people, I miss that, but I wanted to share my coffee time with you, people on the internet, wherever you are at the moment.
donderdag 2 april 2020
Good evening at the 2nd off April, 2020.
Good evening everyone,
Warning: This blog is about my personal mental health. I wouldn't read it if you can't handle that.
I have been in bed most off the time today. If there was a camera focused on this house, they could film a show named 'well rested.' and it would not be over the top to call it like that.
Aside from sleeping in, I have been preparing cauliflower-prey soup for the upcomming days for lunch time, and a cucumber salad with bean sprouts, roasted peanuts and a hint off coconut, also ment to be eaten at lunch time and as a random snack.
I have to admit- my mental health care staff doesn't like me being in Pj's all day and being in bed all the time. Yesterday I was out off my mind. I felt so weird I don't know where it came from, I got words with my health care takers because off isolating myself from them instead off calling them during a mental crisis. But that's how I handle delusions: I just sit and talk and act with them, untill they pass and vanish. After they're gone, that proces repeats itself, or it stops and I feel at ease again. I like care-takers to talk me out off my delusional state off mind. It vanishes faster if they do that. But sometimes they tell me 'to do what I usually do during a delusion.' and that's burning a lot off white sage incense sticks, against dark magic and dark energies attacking me. That's what bad delusions usually do: they somehow attack. And a ton off good quality white sage incense usually chases them away for a while. It's the only thing that seems to work, actually. I just sit and ask for help from good spirits to chase my delusions away. It's the only thing I can do. anything else drives me usually more mental. It's often a fight between me and the delusions to stay on my couch and just sit instead off following their orders.
After the delusions vanish, and I go to sleep when it happened in the evening, I can wake up with the fears from the evening before still in my body, that goes away when the day evolves and things get started. It's usually gone around 12. If I have my chance, I sleep untill 10 on days off.
It's a good thing for me to be around people, as the delusions vanish better when I am. But during this crisis, the coffee moments at 'de Boed.' are closed, and my job is closed so I'm all on myself without real friends or even family to talk to me (There is a reason why I live protected, to protect the world from me, or protect me from the world. That's how I live) I have become friends with fellow clients, but I don't feel like inviting them in my house all the time, since they can react a little unpredictable sometimes. I like to keep my safe distance from them. But we talk, we know each other and we care for each other.
I have an appointment tomorrow to go out for a little walk with one off them. I suppose I should get creative and make things instead off over-sleeping all the time. If I would move my ass (And my general body) more, I would loose weight, probably because off all the healthy eating I do during a crisis like this. I handle it, I can handle it, but I'm lazy at days when I have barely anything to do.
I don't know where all off that came from, I got tension headaches sometimes, that's probably the reason for this, but then decided to be in bed was pretty comfortable today, so I decided to stay there. Tomorrow I have to get myself ready to go out on the street for a while, I have to get dressed and move around a little. I can do it, I can almost do anything (except for handling a real job and real life out there, but honestly- I'm usually not doing bad)
I don't know why I felt like sharing this information about a delusional proces with you anyway. I probably feel like blowing off some steam because off doing a bit hard these two days. Tomorrow it's friday. I loose track off days. But I promised myself to make applepie this weekend and eat fresh mango in my low-calorie yoghurt for dessert. Luckily- there is food to be made and to enjoy.
woensdag 1 april 2020
How to overcome a crisis like this
I don't want it to get the best off me. I want to survive this whole thing gracefully without panic. I'm not someone who wants to end up in despair over this. I can't sleep, though to do something instead off just laying in bed without catching sleep feels better than to simply do nothing.
I have a few ideas for you on how to deal with things like this, as this isn't the first crisis the world has seen, and it probably won't be the last. To make it the best way you can, there are a few interesting ideas I might suggest.
1. Save money, and be sure you have a good resource for times like this.
You need this. A resource on money, a way to still have food on the table, or a stock on supplies you might need first during times like this. Like washing liquid for the laundry and toothpaste or even a collection of nailpolish you can use without having to buy anything unavailable at the moment. I have been onto that for a while now, before the crisis was on, I found myself hoarding things and building up an emergency stock. (Or so it seems to me now) It's one off the best ways to make sure you don't need to go out to buy heavy groceries during a big crisis. Purchase bulk loads off items at websites which supply them that way.
During the Corona crisis I recommend people to order stuff online anyway, so physicall contact can be as much limited as possible. Thank the universe for the invention off webshops.
2. Dress and act gracefully
During WWII, women went to work with grace. It's a way to keep your head up during times like this. I have been overthinking this matter a few times. During deep crisises throughout ages, people find air and probably their personal humanity in creativity and personal expression through out their clothes and femininity. I have taken effort in my looks every day these weeks, to keep myself smiling somehow.
I have been through some harsh times in my life myself, and to express myself in creativity and personal style has usually kept me up.
Don't forget to act with grace. It's a bit respectless to act cold and ignorant due such a crisis. You can't act like a total morron or cunt if these things are on. Look after each other, and treat everyone with suitable resepect.
3. Make sure to eat lots off vitamins and other healthy nutritions
It's a crisis on health issues, so I suppose to give your immune system a boost can't be something bad. See my previous blog about that.
4. Stay calm, and don't panic
Don't let emotions get the best off you. Stay calm and practicall minded. What's needed first? A bottle off washing liquid and a stock off good foods, or the next edition off your favourite game on whatever platform you play it? A greedy mindset won't help you in this case. It won't work anyway. I suggest you to use your money for what's needed first instead off first world problems. I even suggest you to put expensive updates to your phone on the second place, and simply start to think out off basic needs again
Have faith. Don't let the despair of some things let you down. Still believe there will be another day after this one. And one after that, and one after that, and so on. Keep your head up.
I would lie if I told you that I'm not afraid these days. I had a hard time during the first week off this quarataine, but after two weeks I became more stable and less afraid, though I'm not certain if I'm doing well. I don't feel panic and that's probably the best thing.
5. Improve on usefull skills
Learn to cook with lots off herbs, spices, and vegetables for example. (For your immune system) (It's something easy to say for me, since that's my hobby) Start developping skills on the maintainance off your home, learn crochet or even painting. Usefull skills can go a long time with people.
6. Think innovative and creative
Think off solutions for problems you would have solved in an other way if this crisis wasn't out there. Think with what you have on hand and solve it that way, but watch your safety first. I don't want to cause an other emergency by trying to tell people on how to overcome the current one.
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