dinsdag 22 september 2020

A small side table safed from being thrown away.


Good evening everyone, 

This is the result off me saving a side table from thrash, it needed to be repaired and dyed a nice shade off green to be put in a state a bit better before it got broken. 

I didn´t cheat by skipping the inside. It´s completely dyed green. Except for the small ends to it´s legs. But it will stand on that all the time so the paint might come off too easily. I decided on keeping them bare. 

Today I have varnished it, it´s about to dry, and then it will be placed back in the sitting room corner where I found it. They told me they are about to buy a plant to put on it for extra decoration. 

For someone who has worked about 3 years in an upcycling, I don´t know much about re-constructing furniture, or how to re-create it so it becomes even better. My co-workers from the Upcycling (I took a day off today.) are true masters in that. I just repaired this and dyed it. With just a little effort, I got de Boed something nice to use for decoration. 

Allright, that´s about it. Thank you all for reading.  

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