Good evening everyone,
The snow is gone, all we have left are empty streets and gloomy weather mainly consistent off rain clouds. Snow often doesn´t last long in this country, just like summer weather- which we´ll head to this weekend. From one extreme to the other, it´s about to become high temperatures this week. I wonder if people can get sick from weather extremes. If that´s the case, this doesn´t look very good to them.
I got complimented on my classic Dutch vegetable soup this week. It was a matter off improvising for this week since I was a bit slack on mentioning my grocery list for wednesday soup, so I ended up simply telling de Boed's manager I only needed about 250 grams off mixed minced meat, and a good amount off soup vegetables. The rest off the ingredients was to be found in our stock, and speaking off which- aside from finding alphabet vermicelli, I also found out vegetable stock cubes and chicken stock cubes can be perfectly combined in soup to get a great taste in your soup. I ended up with perfect vegetable soup with meatballs thanks to de Boed's great stock in herbs and basic vegetables like potatoes and onions and not to forget- fresh cloves off garlic. I knew I could depend on bay leaf and thyme. So wednesday soup was saved for this week. I have the luck off being gifted in the kitchen with my cooking qualities.
I hope they'll forgive me next week on to have mentioned the ingredients for next week's soup early on. It won't be a beloved classic next week, but it'll be a pet peeve off mine when it comes to soups, I'm about to make them paprika soup (I often choose paprika soup and I do a great deal in improving my basic soup cook qualities by improving paprika soup a lot untill it's almost perfect, or even better. It's never the best it can be in my eyes and that's how we keep it going. It's not like I feed them that every week, Only once every 6 to 5 weeks I come up with Paprika soup.)
During January, I decided on making a few soups which are easy and cheap yet tastefull to make. Except for my beloved Zaanse mustard soup with smoked salmon and basil which got requested by de Boed's manager to be made as the first soup off the year. the rest off the month I kept it easy and modest with winter soups like celeriac soup, leek soup and probably a paprika soup I just came up with which I had to improve the consistency to that week. I haven't had a single complaint about them only once. People love my soups and it does well for my ego that it's appreciated each week. This makes me a volunteer soup cook. Could I submerge that as one off my official titles? Haha. I requested for alphabet vermicelli to be standard on stock as I like that in my soups. As long as both me and de Boed like what I'm doing there, I can stay. It's officially mentioned in their program for each week, that there will be 'Lunch with fresh soup made by Maaike.' each wednesday.
An uncle off mine died this monday, he didn't deserve to die this early on after his retirement. I hope he will rest in peace. He was a violin maker for a living and he was married to my aunt, my father's eldest sister. Tomorrow I'll attempt a last salute with my close family to him.
I'm trying to shape the idea off getting rid off 'morbid obesity.' And just get to the point off 'obesity.' (As an optimistic step one) I'm trying to shape that idea, since I know I'll probably have to face a lot off hardships like being insanely lazy, having little to do each day and loving all kinds and mainly sweet foods high in sugar. Corona-kilo's, as how I could call them, but maybe medicine kilo's are more appropriate. I mentioned to gain weight is something that has stopped for this moment off time and instead off extreme overweight popping up out off seemingly nowhere since I started anti-psychoticums, the current shift off medication hasn't done much damage in that field. So maybe I could start a small plan in trying to get rid off the worst effects to my medications. I also mentioned fruit also works against sweet tooth. But there are current rumors about fruit being unhealthy and I just have to stick to two pieces off fresh fruit a day. I love to eat pears and mandarins most. And I can already see the first trouble coming up: I have a mind filled with baking inspiration for the upcoming period off time. I have the luck off having an audience who loves my bakings at de Boed's coffee moment. I donate that to them for them to serve that to their clients with their fresh coffee. I also love to use de Boed's kitchen every often to bake them stuff, especially during weekends.
I suppose it's not really my baking kick that makes a diffrence. It could also be perfectly my addiction to sweet foods I haven't baked and I'm heading to a fruit toffee addiction since I discovered loving them. And then there is my habbit off eating about two luxury pastries each tuesday these weeks. I believe I have to quit that ASAP for my health. And re-start discovering how to cook wholesome, vegetable stuffed and vegetarian dishes which are my current field off interest when it comes to cooking. I would do hard going vegan since I need diary and eggs for my bakings and desserts.
I would do hard getting off off that hobby. It's not the meat that makes the main problem. I can do without if I realy have to if vegetables for lunch and everything that's made off them like spreads (Hummus and such) keep on being tastefull and affordable. Sun dried tomato hummus and radishes make a perfect combination on freshly baked breads for example. I have that field off interest in cooking with a lot off vegetables and to eat perfectly healthy. I could give it a try to re-start that but I shouldn't be overly optimistic on that. I know myself and I know I can be slack when it comes to a lot off things. My current breakfast consists two grilled salami and cheese sandwhiches and a large glass off buttermilk or milk each day nowadays. I find it very hard to get rid off bread for breakfast and eat yoghurt with muesli or oatmeal every day for example. I know I love that kind off healthy breakfast but even when I'm in deep mental distress I can serve myself sandwhiches and stick to that all the time instead off the hardship off cooking something else for breakfast. (Except for banana pancakes every often during weekends, but I wouldn't dare declaring that healthy. I can perfectly set myself to making banana pancakes when I have overly ripe bananas in my fruit scale.) I'm doing hard changing my breakfast habits. I'm a fan off all benefits and uses off fruits and fresh vegetables on the other hand. I love reading myself into the uses off all kinds off plant-based foods and practice the matter into my dishes. Sometimes it can be very fullfilling simply to cook with lots off veggies and make a perfect tasting dish that way. It feels great to do so.
Allright, that's about it for this moment.
Thank you for reading.
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