donderdag 4 februari 2021

What if the digits where turned around? Good morning at the 4th off February 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cloudy and cold outside. It's an average Dutch day in winter. 

Medical issue: My guts are onto it again, I have issues with that again today. General Practice got informed and adviced me to drink a lot but to stay away from diary. 

My eyes have turned back in sight, my sight has become worse over the past few years in a high number, so I have to take it to a serious eye medical centre for good meassuring. I can't read text on platforms and on TV anymore with what I got, and I'm doing trouble seeing most people's faces. Despite Corona, it's a good idea to go after that.  

Yesterday I had a small Imbolc ritual to plant seeds for the new year. My wish for this year: A medicine against Corona, and medication without nasty side effects. The side effectst to antipsychoticums is sometimes almost too hard to live with. I think everyone, however, deserves medication without side effects and just things that do what it's supposed to work for. That's my intention with the ritual for this year. I believe I did good on it


About 9 years ago, people where all on about 2012 and how it would end the world. It didn't came true but I wonder if they turned around the digits in modern reading off that ancient Mayan forecast and if it didn't spell '2021.' As this is more like what it probably said. So the forecast did came true, it's just a matter off interprentingancient digits. And I think we better give it it's right since the world almost does come to somewhat off a downfall nowadays. Maybe it will end in world destruction. But I keep it optimistic. Planet earth probably benefits from it if people do extinct. I sometimes think she can barely breathe under what we are doing to her. I suspect things to become even worse for us over time. I like to believe humans come from outer space and there are several other planets where we can live if we got extinct here, but I start to doubt that. I do believe, however, that it's natural for people to get extinct if they handled world problems as stupid and selfish as we might have done in the end. Nothing was actually done about it while we got warnings all the time. It's a price to be paid. I doubt people even sleep bad after reading this. Ignorant and uncaring as most have become. I'm sorry guys, I'm a bit harsh when it comes to that. Not everyone is that stupid. But you probably got me how most people are a bit hard learning while others suffer too much from it. I think people should take action against the disaster that is going on instead off leaning back and let it happen. 

Another pet peeve off mine: If we would do it ourselves, stop being greedy and get to work on it, we might not even need the return off Jezus, the comming off a sacred saviour to safe our planet, or anything like that monotheistic religions like to tell us. If we would do it ourselves in this world, we would have less to fight over. And maybe a proud Jezus if he'd ever even return. But I'm not for sure about that as I have no clue how monotheistic religions actually work on that theory since I was raised by a pagan mother. I might have diffrent morals on that. I do believe, however, that we need to safe the world in this time and place off being. I just learned that it's hard to let people do that. It's not something to be forgiven to some, as some sort off an excuse to continue stupidity because they 'just weren't any better than what I hoped.' World destruction is an important matter however. It's just that I lost faith in mankind after getting to know most off them better. People are greedy, and ignorant, and maybe a bit too low in capabilities to truly understand what's going on. 

And then myself. I'm fond off my curent state off living (luxury in the form off a small flat with a nice interior, and hygiene provided by things you could consider waste in the long term. I'm not willing to change that while it's actually needed. I can preach but I'm not a saint either.) as much as most people probably are. change we can? Only if it's an immediate benefit we can actually mention ourselves probably. 'The next generation.' or 'Somewhere in the future.' is probably a bit too vague at times. 

With the current capabilities in mankind, it's probably going to become too much off an event to actually get us to truly change to ecologically friendly. I hope science can invent replacements for current plastic (To begin with, a good alternative that replaces the stuff and doesn't do bad for any quality it's supposed to provide.) If we would stop the world's intake off plastic, and after that get rid off everything that's allready there - it's a win for the environment, but then again, you'd need teams off all kinds off people to start cleaning litter everywhere. I think the government could provide jobs for the unemployed worldwide if we'd start such a thing to get rid off lethal plastic, and even send people on boats after the plastic soup to get it back on land and recycle or destroy it. I believe whole families could live from such jobs. 'What do you do in life?' 'I'm a plastic hunter.' (Not to be confused with someone made from plastic, like a toy acion figurine, but someone who hunts after plastic to keep the planet clean.) Allright, just my idea to reduce unemployment for this time off era. 

It would also be off use, if people would start to dump their litter in thrash bins and not throw it away somewhere else in a public area. Still that doesn't seem to get to most people's minds. I have been thought you'd put your thrash in your pocket or your bag and take it home and throw it away there if there is no thrash bin in sight. Some people are thought to just dump it wherever they have sit and ate or drink. Reduce waste, keep the world clean.- clean up after yourselves and don't be ignorant anymore. 

If we would do that, and we would get a clean world in the near future with this set off plans, we do have a result that's more close to home than 'the next generation.' or 'somewhere in the future.' and it's actually something modern people can do if you set them up to do so. I can recomend governments to start such a plan. 

Allright, that's about it. 

Thank you for reading.       


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