zondag 31 januari 2021

Good afternoon at the 31st off January, 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Tonight there will be a tv show on about baking. I saw a spin off about it this week and I wondered how one off the judges (André van Duin, a famous Dutch comedian) to all the bakings can keep himself from gaining weight while tasting all those baking products each week, twice a week. How can the entire judges keep themselve from gaining weight in that program? I love buying receipe books and follow receipes to winners from that program, (I love inspiration, wherever it may come from.) while actually tonight is the first time I'm about to watch it. While actually I gain weight from just looking at cakes and cookies. It's not fair somehow. (I could fill an entire weblog opinionated on TV shows while I'm actually watching them these days. Before I didn't care much about  TV, but I have to keep myself occupied while being in quarantine for the fourth time this year.) 

I love baking myself too, I have a few cakes I make each time and they are a succes when I serve them to people. They are always highly appreciated. Banana cake and fruit cake on a quark basis are my best cakes. 


I foresee 

Something that is near 

I foresee 

Something you don't want to hear 

I know 

It's something you might fear 

Should I tell? 

It's not gone by some promising spell 

The times won't go very well 

years and years about hundred or more 

Will make good fortune for all 

Some sentimental lore 

I've never seen a forecast like this 

on a site before 

I should tell you in honesty today 

But who tells me- My head you won't slay? 

I will still be alive to say 

Times are getting troubled- 

Without you getting mad at me. 

It's all, it's something 

I foresee 


Bad health. 


Bad times. 


No jobs. 

People being on their guard 

So somber 

So needy 

Bad economics. 

Poor being poor 

Good fortune to a crash

I'm not a prophet 

licking people's ass 

'T will be long 

untill it's like it was 

About hundred years or more 

Good times will be off lore. 


One way or another, I believe the times will be sober, poor, people having bad health and there will be nothing done about it since they are kept stupid by politics. They won't have a spark off hope for the future and are downright suspicious and off bad spirit about most things in life. What was build up in the 20th century will come to a downfall and people have to live their entire life careful with themselves and with money. I foresaw that somehow and I prefer to make you aware instead off telling you something more cheerful. Because we didn't know, because we where kept low into not caring folks. That's how the upperclass probably works. Something is wrong with people who have might nowadays, as they only care for themselves and common people are seen as perfect prey to suck out money from. And nobody actually did something about or against it. It's everybody's fault as far as I see it. Nobody felt like taking actual action. They didn't care enough. How stupid I hope they'll feel in the end. 


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