donderdag 21 januari 2021

Good afternoon at the 21st off January, 2021

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today was for a small prize. I've won the first prize in a quiz at de Boed. (Chocolate milk and a matching cup from the same brand.) I have my moments, people where stunned by how smart I seemed for answering all off my questions well. It was merely basic knowledge most people are supposed to know in my opinion, but opinions can be diffrent and basic knowledge isn't always as basic as we suppose it is. There where a lot off questions about animals I was lucky to know. Somehow I suspect because my brothers both where mad about animal knowledge when they where young. I probably picked more up on that than I thought. It wasn't animal science that got asked at de Boed, but merely some fun facts about animals. 

Today was also for singing. I sing at de Boed during thursday afternoon when they come togheter to sing old (mainly Duch) hits, and since they think I can sing, they ask me to be the lead singer to their small group off muscicians most off the time during Corona. Only one person is allowed to sing in a group off people. I sing in a microfoon behind my mouth mask when I'm onto that. It got appreciated by the old folks I do so. I've been onto that since a few weeks before christmas. 

The pot off celeriac soup got entirely finished by the lunch group today, I got complimented on it's taste. Next week I believe I'm onto leek soup but without heavy cream. (A basic part off traditional Welsh leek soup) As that's not a good idea for your guts as I've experienced before. I believe I'll use milk and just a hint off light cooking cream in this case.      

I should probably make this the end off this weblog, as something in me refuses to write on. 

Allright, that's about it for now. 

Thank you for reading. 

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