zondag 10 januari 2021

I'm working my way to almost a proffesion

 Good evening everyone, 

I have been working today on colouring an image, I finished it entirely today. I was at de Boed (They're open on sunday for clients.) 

It's made on A4 format, and done with several pencils and markers I found at de Boed in their public pencil and marker storage. I say this all the time, because sometimes it almost shouldn't matter what pencils or markers you use if you are really talented or trained at colouring. But maybe that's a bit harsh to say since what I found in their pencil storage was pretty good quality brands and kinds. They're no copic markers, but it's not low quality either. (Though some shading was done with children's markers.) I have been shading and contouring this image with several shades off the same colour. I have been colouring images all week. I think it's a good way to cope with quarantine. 

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