zondag 17 januari 2021

A basket made from popsicle sticks

Good afternoon everyone, 

Yesterday was an evening for wet snow in the Netherlands. There has been a bit off snow which didn´t last in our part off the country. It somehow felt like christmas eve. I had been making a luxury applepie for de Boed for us which we had this morning with our coffee. It was quite a luxury one with almond paste inside and toasted nuts on top instead off the traditional diamond shapes with dough on most applepies. Today didn´t feel like christmas, but people loved my pie. We had it with some whipped cream.   

I made the basket pictured above this text myself yesterday. It´s a creative project they have started at de Boed, getting people to make baskets from popsicle sticks to set off their mind off off things and to keep them buisy. I finished mine entirely yesterday. It´s not a bad thing, but as far as I feel it, I keep it at one at a time because too much would take too much from my mental energy. It´s a project that takes preciseness to finish. And after a while I feel like it takes too much from me. These are not old popsicle sticks, you can purchase them by the lot at some places and use fresh and clean ones. Old ones people have put in their mouth are a bit gross for this project. Mental people living in a care home often have no clue about normal people´s idea off ´weekend.´ Life most off the time goes on the same almost every day, except that week days are a bit more buisy.  

I´m a bit out off my mind. I have visions off a man named Romeno in my head. He bothers me a lot and sometimes I have the feeling the vision replies to me and talks to me when I tell him something. It´s funny untill it gets stuck on you and it´s hard to get off off it, but I supose it´s not as bad as the delusions I had around new year´s eve. I have the feeling Romeno needs my love and support somehow if he would excist. I simply wouldn´t know how to trace him in real life if he would excist and I doubt he would like a hug from someone like me, troubled as I am. If I´d meet someone like that in real life, I would barely dare to talk to him and give him a heart. I have been googling him and searching for the name he told me on facebook, but I haven´t found anyone with that name. I doubt he´d excist at all. I´d love to be as brave in real life as how I feel in my mind towards him, and give him that hug whenever I meet him. But that´s probably something for later on. 

Tomorrow, my late dad would have turned 68. He´s death since 2012 and it´s almost 10 years now. My brothers will come over to my place to have a little memorial togheter tomorrow. Dad would have been proud off my applepie for today. I´m sure off that. The both off us have baked a lot off them back at my parental home when I was younger. He taught me cooking and baking basics. I became very skilled at that old time, years ago and it still works for me nowadays. Life in care homes is easier when you love to cook and bake for people. 

Allright, that´s about it for now. 

Thank you for reading.    

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