zondag 31 januari 2021

The good effects off a potential medicine against Corona

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's a bright but almost frozen day in the Netherlands. Streets and old bridges are covered here and there with a thin layer off frost. Ponds are frozen. It's a day for warm tea and short walks through the neighbourhood to enjoy frozen sights. Old green houses in the village (What Zaanstad is known for) look almost romantic with their coats off frost. Unfortunately, this country is not open for tourists this period off time. But who know you might be capable to visit Zaandijk a next time (Among about 6 million other tourists each year.) 

I can recommend the chocolate milk they sell at Zaandijk Zaanse Schans station where a lot off tourists enter our small village during normal times. It's the best chocolate milk I have ever tasted so far, and it's made bij reintegrating prisoners who wish to do well after getting out off prison. They are polite and costumer-friendly. 


There are people vaccinated and getting a vaccination, it's just that people who are already sick or who are still suffering from the effects off Corona could do better with an actual medicine against the outcome to Corona. 

What good could be if people discovered a cure that fixes damaged lungs, brains, hearts and other vital organs? Imagine the benefits from that for science. It's known that Covid-19 digests brains and lungs and reduces them to something unrecognicable from what it was before. If science would invent medications that can grow back damaged hearts and lungs, who knows how much other people with other diseases could benefit from that. It's something good to vaccinate, it's probably even better to cure actual damage. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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