zaterdag 30 januari 2021

Good afternoon at the 30th off January, 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 


I had my fourth Corona-test in the entire Corona period (ever since last year) this week, and it got tested negative. I don't have Corona anymore, I survived it last year in November, and appearantly it doesn't get stuck on me anymore ever since. I believe it's a pro. I have been tested about four times off which one was positive. I'm lucky to be physically in a relatively good condition for someone my weight. 

This week is for watching Nickelodeon a lot. I'm having trouble keeping up with the news as it's not good for my mental health. Children's TV works a bit better to keep me distracted from a lot off things. I keep on watching coffee time every morning (With a mug off fresh coffee and sometimes with a pastry) and the news only once a day. It just repeats itself all day at channel 1, often followed by TV shows filled with opinions about what's going on. Most off the time I can perfectly keep up without it getting frightfull. I'm interested in politics and actualities, but riots all the time outside got me mentally troubled. I perfectly understand what Dutch politics and news is all about since I got very lightly educated in that field. It's been a while since I got my diploma, but I got the basics. I somehow wish I could be up for a bachelor in the field off law and politics, but it's probably not ment for me. As you might know, I'm intersted in the field off foreign affairs. But I'm a bit old for a student and mentally handicaped. So probably I'd never get there. 

Sometimes I dream off becoming a tutor in a museum (The Dutch national museum in Amsterdam) ever since a few years ago. And pick their changing exposition. As far as I know, their storage is filled with all kinds off artefacts. Being surounded by old artefacts and art is a dream job for me. As far as that goes, I'm employed in a second hand shop as an Upcycling worker, I make jewelry for them to sell. I only got that job since Leviaan has made a deal with them to get people with a mental handicap to work. I have been making jewelry ever since 2010, since I was about 17 and I'm good at it. Being surrounded by old stuff (It's probably not the same as a museum, but I love it) and bringing it to new or update the lot is fun to have as a job. Becoming a tutor in a serious museum is not ment for me in this life, unfortunately. But I can keep on improving my jewelry every time I set myself to it and improve my methods each time. Last week I finished a necklace and made a bracelet, and previous week I made three bracelets and the start off that necklace. I believe I should picture them and place them online. 

No matter what, I'm content most off the time with my current job at the Upcycling shop. It makes me happy to sell my creations. I'm probably one off the few people who can say they like their job and like their colleagues. And Upcycling stuff is on trend in a lot off places. So what we do is hip and happening- As good as it gets for our spot. I'm proud. I also like the idea I can continue quite a while with the materials we have at the moment. Love what you do, and that's what it's about. 

You heard me saying I'm doing hard getting there and actually withstanding being there without getting low on energy and tired all the time, strange enough, I feel good at energy these weeks and feel like I can continue with what I'm up to. Sometimes I felt like only hanging around there and just have coffee all afternoon with colleagues and just chit-chat. But I feel like having inspiration again and the urge to get out off the house every often. Workshifts are a perfect reason to get out. I hope I can keep it up when the Upcycling gets crowded with costumers again. It's hard to deal with crowdedness for me at times and it can suck me out when that happens, I don't have a good way to block that feeling somehow. 

My jewelry is wanted in my own social circles. I take part in 'Jewelry Making.' at de Boed each monday, and I donate what I make out off charity to de Boed's small outlet. It got sold pretty fast and I saw a lady wearing what I made two weeks ago. I made name in my own circles. I hope real life audience also likes what I try to sell them. I keep on improving myself each time and create more solid creations each time. It improves over time. 

Allright, that's about it for now. 

Thank you for reading.     

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