maandag 22 november 2021

Good afternoon at the 22th off November, 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is a sunny yet cold day in autumn, it's been about time to dig up my wintercoat for this year. It's still comfy and it looks stunning. It's cold enough so it's appropriate. 


Today was for grocery shopping. This weekend I saw Sinterklaas enter Zaandijk. Sinterklaas is a Dutch tradition, celebrated with a centuries old saint and his companions to give children presents every 5th off December. Sinterklaas entering places with a large ceremony is a tradition the UN seems to question since Black Petes  (His companions and workers, where Santa Claus has his elves) are racist according to real black people. I think I should stick away from the discussion as I don't want to be involved in either sides. But in my opinion, things change sometimes and simply emancipating Black Pete is not a bad thing. But you seem to get into trouble with many people once you state that somewhere. It was nevertless fun seeing Sinterklaas entering Zaandijk and his couch and horses and the entire procession, containing black petes, children and their parents and a few police motorbikes passing by our street. I got a hand full off candy and 'pepernoten.' Some sort off small spiced cookies Sinterklaas is famous for.  

It was a good afternoon that day. 

I have been reading a few books these weeks. That's mainly the reason I haven't been online for quite some time. I have been reading the translation to 'Sepulchre.' By Kate Mosse (De verloren Tombe in het Nederlands) And two books on Japanese wisdom. One called Ichigo Ichi, and one called Shinrin Yoku, both by Fransesc Miralles and Héctor Garcia. (Not because off Hector the Ladybug, but because the subjects seemed interesting.) Miralles and Garcia launched a new book named Ganbatte about Japanese will power recently. As soon as I finished Shinrin Yoku, I would like to have that one too to complete my small collection from those authors on inspiring self-help books based on Japanese philosophy. (I also own 'Ikigai.') Their books are easy and inspiring to read. 

I've read Sepulchre around Halloween, and the time off year situated in the book seemed to match that period and it was a cool read. I've read it before in my youth but couldn't seem to finish it. I have been finishing it with a little effort almost one month ago.  

I do hard reading sometimes. I have my moments where I read quite a lot, and then periods off time where I read nothing or where it can't seem to please me. I'm not a bookworm. But November has been a month off books. 

I have been inside a lot off my time. I kept perfectly to all restrictions by the government these weeks by reading in the evening and to be honest, I can't be bothered if they restrict more this winter as long as there are books that have my interest. I wish I had my willpower from the beginning, though. Where I said 'put your shoulders under it, and all will be finished soon so we can be free again.' That's been about two years ago, almost. I think it's best to look at day to day and make best off the situation each day. But I wouldn't be honest with you if I said the restrictions are hard for most to bear. I feel a bit better once they're off our shoulders. I can still handle them, though. 

One thing I can't handle are the holidays. I find this time off year quite hard to keep up with and to stay well. It's a well known phenomena in psychiatric health, and I didn't know I did hard on it untill previous year. Ahead to that I had no issues with the holiday period. It's a period with a lot off things being off the normal way, so it's when a lot off people have issues with their mental state off being or loneliness. 

I'll keep up with you about it. 

Allright, that's about it-

Thank you for reading. 

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