donderdag 25 november 2021

Good evening at the 25th off November, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cold and clear, changed by cold rain showers every now and then. It's only one month untill Christmas today. 


Wednesday Soup was for chickensoup. It was highly enjoyed by most people and I had adjusted alphabet vermicelli to it. It came from a receipe from the Soup Bible (I'm not religious according to the bible, but as some sort off a pagan / buddhist / esoterical believer I find the irony funny.) In Dutch it's called de Soepbijbel and I love how it's receipes always work out for me to feed the crowd in the hall from de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. My soup is appreciated and I'm proud to be a soup cook for about one year and a few months more every wednesday. People come and go at de Boed, But my soup lunch still stands firm to my fellow clients and staff. 

If christmas should have a soup as a start up, or if soup should be served at christmas, what kind off soup would that be? I have a few cream soups in my arsenal, among some very rich vegetable soups. People tell me it's as if they eat at a restaurant or hotel sometimes but what would be a perfect start up for christmas? I think people wouldn't be ashamed to serve my decadent soups at their christmas table if I say so myself and previous year a staff member served her family my Brocolli Courgette soup for christmas as a start up. (From one off my receipes.) I'm that good. And I'm not the kind off person to brag about her capabilities. (That staff member got re-located at another Leviaan spot because off her personal issues, but it was nevertless a compliment.) 

December should have a few soups you would love to eat at holidays. Luxury enough to make it at a dinner table. Everyday vegetable soup is allright for January when all the shine is over. Aside to paprika soup. (Thanks thinking out loud for filling in my Soup Scheldue for that month. Week one will be for Vegetable soup, week two will be for practicing Paprika soup.) I have served the crowd a creamy Brocolli Courgette soup about four weeks ago so I can't make it my Christmas soup. People love to eat varied. And I should remember this year is a hard year with little to celebrate due to the Pandemic still hitting hard on people. It should be festive, wholesome and somewhat comforting to eat my soups this month. The third week off January will be for potato soup (I've never tried that one before, but I'm wishing to adjust crunchy bacon to it. But that's for two months ahead. It's good to practice things every now and then) 

Next week will be my famous Mustard soup, and the week next to that will be for Mexican Nacho soup. (Not made from actuall Nacho's, but it's a paprika soup with a creamy cheese adjusted to it so people can dip nacho chips in it.) It doesn't scream 'Christmas.' But it's wholesome and it's fun for those who eat. Mustard Soup is, by the way, made with local Zaanish Mustard*. There is a mill at de Zaanse Schans (A famous tourist location) which produces it. This will be my soup scheldue for the upcomming time. December has three Wednesdays left. I could re-do creamy mushroom since that one has a festive and luxury feeling to it. I could also make it my christmas start up soup the 22th. Question answered: Creamy Mushroom will be a Christmas start up for my audience. The 16th could be for some sort off a tomato soup. As long as we have soup, we might or might not have a spark off warmth to hold on to these months. Despite there being new restrictions in the air for this country.   

(*Zaandijk isn't as famous as Dijon for it's mustard, and our mustard is more rough and a bit more sharp, but I can recommend for those who love mustard to try it if you can lay your hands on it. ) 

Allright, that's about it- I might make weblogs with soup receipes for those who are interested. 

Thank you for reading.     

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