maandag 8 november 2021

Good evening at the 8th off November, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's cold with here and there a rain shower. It's mainly autumn weather today, including leaves on the ground everywhere. 


Today was for Monday Grocery shopping. Aside from the main stuff I need to do outside, I mainly stay in most off the time. There's no place like the comfortzone off my own home. 

I went to the dentist last week, I have no holes in my teeth. I brush regulairly and I happen to brush well. There's still that issue with bleeding gums I actually have to toothpick more. But I'm a coward and making my gums bleed by having to pick the rot out off it is a step too far for me. I should, I should. Something in me tells me I could try it. It's necessairy to do so in my case, and the dentist has warned me several times already. It seems like I need to, and that's going to be my stick behind the door to 


Not much positive happened in the baking section. I happen to own a mold in the shape off a castle. I gave it to myself as a present for my birthday this year. I tried to make a chocolate bundt cake in it, but it got stuck in it and I had to be creative with what came out off it. I made a regulair looking chocolate cake with ganache and chocolate sprinkles in a springform with it. I loathe that. I have an inner perfectionist who is kinda hurt by all off this. Next time I'm going to try better, but I blew up on the batter to begin with. I forgot the flour and the baking powder while the batter was already inside the mold,  so I had to put the batter back into the bowl, add the flour and such and then put it back in the mold. I had greased and cocoa'd the mold ahead, (When one makes chocolate bundt, you have to use cocoa powder instead off flour over your grease which is preferably a butter of some sort.) but it got wrong this way and it's not a result I wish to show on the internet. I set myself a step back, and I'm going to try baking again with more easy stuff untill I feel comfortable enough to make chocolate bundt in the shape off a castle again. I could try a diffrent mold to practice first. However, my confidence got such a blow, I rather try some basic receipes and things I have been making over and over again first before I even wish to get myself to such a big project again. I'm a perfectionist at times. First things first, babysteps before I can walk. 

I ordered mugs from 'Natuurmonumenten.' A nature protection organisation in the Netherlands. I had the idea whispered in by a voice in my head. Sometimes it's a bit weird, but voices can have perfect ideas. Those mugs are just gorgeous to look at, and I do well by supporting a nature protection organisation. I had that idea myself first, but the voice supported me to do so instead off only thinking and I somehow agreed. There are so many people out there just talking, while they should be doing something for this world. I love the stuff 'Natuurmonumenten.' has to offer on their site. So it's going to be my first action for nature protection once they deliver my mugs in time. If they are reliable, I'm willing to buy more off their nice stuff. I felt somewhat off a positive rush that night after doing this. 

The rush to do well for this world sometimes feels so sacred, so intense and I love how it feels. I call it 'Sacred fire.' or 'Holy fire.' (Heilig vuur.) I don't know how to explain this to someone who has never experienced it before. It's a drive, a passion- It could chase a demon out off it's hollow and it's something that can't be compared to something else. It's positive. I can see myself doing more for this kind off charity. 

I could kick people out off their own cave and preach they should do more for charity- but that just doesn't work for most and we have all seen that kind off stuff before. It's not my style to confirm people to have a heart for the world. It's something I hope they find out themselves. I understand people clamping you with things about 'donate' and 'buy to support.' can be even seen as something rude and I compare it to be clamped in the streets by some sort off a religious or charity related organisation. Most people don't like that. If 'Natuurmonumenten.' has proven to be reliable, I can post a link to their site, however. And you can see for yourself. I'm not some sort off messenger from something divine. I'm just an ordinairy tut with a holy fire burning inside her to do something for this world. Make a diffrence, Purchase fancy tableware! 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.      


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