vrijdag 18 februari 2022

Good evening at the 18th off February, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today is code orange for storms in the Netherlands. de Boed is closed and we had our dinner in our homes. So to say. They never do that. Most staff got send home or had to stay home to stay safe and in a moment they will bring our medication at home instead off letting us have it at the medication office. (They brought it.) It's quite dramatic today. 


Today was for making a large MonChou cake. A non bake cheesecake which is quite old fashioned but tastes nevertless great, on a biscoff bottom and topped with cherry tart filling, like it's supposed to be. The biscoff was my idea, most off the time it's digestives or bastogne cookies (I don't know how the last translates in English) that are used in this cheesecake. Biscoff (Lotus Speculoos in het Nederlands) tastes great with it aswell according to the rumors. 

Picture will follow tomorrow. I'm a bit lazy this evening, I'm sorry. I'm going to make it the 'we made it through the storm tonight.' cake once I share it at de Boed. I will practice my best hobby tomorrow, serving coffee with some self made sweet treat at Saturday and with a little luck on Sunday at de Boed for their afternoon coffee moment. I have to do something to keep me occupied ever since being unemployed. It keeps me a bit on my feet during the weekend. 

This week was for shopping a few times, an appointment with psychiatric health, swimming a few laps, and surviving storms. Today I made cake, I had some coffee and I painted my nails this afternoon and wrote a bit in my diary. I decided to close the curtains so I didn't had to see the storm as it would frighten me probably to see everything swing around. I called my mom, had a chat and then had dinner here. It's not hard to keep myself a bit buisy while it's stormy outside. I hope de Boed is open tomorrow so I can hand out my cake and won't be stuck up with it tomorrow. That would be a waste. The MonChou filling was a bit according to my own insights and I think it worked out well. I didn't follow a strict receipe. Just what I had on my mind. It's something we can use to strengthen our spirits a bit after this annoying storm. Shops are closed today because off it. We have to enter the night by now and I hope the country survives. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.     

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