zaterdag 19 februari 2022

Good evening at the 19th off February, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's rainy and grey outside. The country survived the storm and I'm still alive aside to everyone who usually visits de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. There have been incidents with the weather among the entire country but we made it through. I haven't slept throughout the night. It was a hard night for me. I slept a few hours in the morning between 05.00 and 09.00 AM, like often. I just think I haven't been the only one previous night. Storms have that effect on people. 


Like promised, a picture off my MonChou cake: 

It's all gone by now. We had quite large slices today. I felt a bit pity for people who where late since I couldn't offer them some. I do a bit hard with such unfairness but it couldn't be helped today as they sliced it quite big. I had compliments all afternoon, the taste was just perfect according to most. I have been pictured for de Boed's social media with an unwrapped picture off this cake. This cake took me 8 packages off monchou and half a liter off cream to create it. One and 3/4 package off biscoff, a teaspoon off vanilla and sugar I eyeballed a bit, (It could be 200 grams, it could also be a bit more.) aside to 100 grams off melted butter for the bottom. I topped it with two cans off cherry filling. Nevertless, a succes to the people who had the luck to eat it. It's one off the best things in life, baking and sharing it with other people. I'm not over-acting it when I say that, I mean it. To me personal it's my best hobby. 

I'm tired from last night and there are rumors the storm will return one off these days. That's not a pretty foresight. 

I decided not to listen too much to greedy and jealouse voices in my head anymore. They represent people who are begrudging every good thing in my life and they're based on nasty people who think everything I want to enjoy life is too much or unruly or it gets troublesome for me for even wanting too much according to those petite minded idiots. I don't know if I have ever seen the people who are 'the voices.' in real life and that's what my mind bases it on. But I'm not certain about that. It could be perfectly just made up from nothing. It's an issue to me, though. People being stepped on their toes over my idea off luxury. I don't want to give poor people the idea it's too much, but what these voices do is downright nagging it. I never had such issues with my surrounding as real life people know I keep it moderate most off the time when it comes to splurges, new items and outings off creativity. But those voices... Just morrons if you ask me. There are people who are envious off everything but I don't have them in my near surrounding. I hope it's not my subconciousness trying to warn me about something. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading!  

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