vrijdag 4 februari 2022

Good evening at the 4th off February, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was stormy and grey outside. It's average weather. But who cares? The sun shines inside today. 


Today was for Friday house cleaning, with my regulair help in the household. She's quite a personality. 

It was also my second attempt in baking quark cake from scratch since I had so much ingredients left over from the first try. I love how it turned out. It's especially for the manager off de Boed since she didn't get to try the first, and I love how the effect on fellow people at de Boed will probably work out. I believe they will love to have it with their coffee. I'm going to play London Tea Shop again tomorrow. 

Today I poked a few stabs in the cake to let the glaze run into that, as it wouldn't be wasted as much as it would have been if I'd just decorate the cake with it. I have no picture off it, as you might get bored by an overdrop off pictures off lemon quark cake on this weblog.

Kwark Cake - Rutger van den Broek  

I have this link to the receipe, however. (In Dutch only) I thought it'd be nice to rate this receipe with 5 stars the other day to give it the credit it deserved. Splendid lemon cake with glaze never gets boring or out off style. No matter how hard they try. (I'd read in a woman's magazine once it's a bit boring these days and you can't come up with that anymore. One should bake sculpted cake instead and impress people with sculpted works off art when it comes to cake. But that's a bit above my level. As far as I'm concerned, lemon cake still does it.) 

Other than baking, I'm listening to 80's music this evening. My favourite mainly. It's uplifting, and cheering me up this evening. I'm retro tonight. And I love it. I think I'd still understand the world if we would live in that era, and my family would still be alive (But not know me, as I'm from '92) 

I have to try making a fruitcake out off the quark receipe, however, and I have to try the yoghurt variety instead off quark, and orange instead off lemon. I have energy tonight. Often I'm low on energy and a bit depressed, but things are getting a bit better this evening. I should live by the day instead off procastinating this will last. Mainly I should be carefull with things like this. I shouldn't inform all the energy vampires out there about being high in energy today.       

I have no clue what causes being on a tolerable level off energy today. The depression that hunts me often is no more so it seems. I hope this feeling will last. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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