woensdag 2 februari 2022

Good evening at the 2nd off February, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a beautifull day. There was sunshine and it wasn't so cold for a winter's day. Something promising is in the air for the upcomming year.


Being single has benefits. I could choose a life being after men and attaching myself to one, but life in general is too good to give it up for anyone. I'm fine the way I am and not having to have to chain myself to obligations is nice. 

I don't have to loose weight, I can stay fat and happy instead off having to do a gastric  surgery off some sort (We're at that point, I'm sorry to say) to look acceptable. If I wish to eat something, I can. 

I don't have to look my best each day, I can look ungroomed without make-up and even without skincare and not pluck my eyebrows let alone shave when it comes to it. I'm happy enough with myself to look like a ratchet bitch and not care a thing about it. 

I don't have to please him, I don't have to watch my mouth or my opinion online because someone might get jacked by it. I can insult whoever I want and I don't have to listen to his taste in music, his tv programs, accept his videogame behaviour behind bedtime (And the annoying noise that comes with it.) or his habbits in going out untill after midnight or smoke cigarettes or even use drugs. I can set my own standards and I don't have to fly below them for an annoying man I might eventually find attractive. 

I can listen to my own music, not watch TV, eat old fashioned at a community centre, spend money on stuff off my own choice and wear clothes to my taste. (Mainly comfy and a bit dark, or bold coloured sweaters with turtlenecks) I can spend following up weekends at my parental home. I can be a mental patient on medicines with low energy and not a dime too much to spend, smell like peanutbutter out off my mouth after lunch and breakfast, I can eat at midnight if I please, I don't have to compete with other women over the attention off some worthless jackass who'd ditch me in a minute, 

I can decorate my own personal home to my taste, I have my own space and I can do as I please in my own home. I don't have to deal with immature outings off that said jackass, I don't have to deal with his level off wealth, (Poor or rich, I can fly on my own purse) I don't have to accept someone robbing me off the right to have healthcare after we're togheter and the government demands him to take care off me, (As that would be impossible.) 

I can be as unexperienced with private matters as I want to. I'm not skilled and on lust killing medicines. People think I'm a whore while actually I don't know shit. Men usually want a woman with a prude reputation but the skills off a whore. I'm the other way around and that doesn't work for most. (I had a fight with Vana where I had a witty mouth and now they call me a whore and a slut while that's nonsense.) I'm free to be lazy in bed. 

The list off profits and benefits is long and it's priceless to have it that way. Thinking practical can safe me from so much destructiveness and inconveniences in a relationship that might end shipwreck and leave me with nothing when it's over. I'd better protect myself and my stomach against it. (I'm NOT willing to do a gastric surgery when I can eat cake.) Freedom smells too good. It is too nice, I don't owe anything to anyone and I'm happy. 


 Speaking off cake, I have been playing Cafetaria somewhere in London by trying a new receipe for quark cake from scratch. Instead off using a package, I have been trying a receipe which tasted like heaven for me and fellow patients and neighbours at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. I had to grade a fresh lemon for it, but it was worthit.

It was really that good. I could practice a bit with lemon glaze, (I find it hard to get it at the right thickness) but other than that it was perfect and I imagined myself in a cafetaria somewhere in London while sharing it with everyone at de Boed. Imagine a good cafetaria where they sell slices off this for almost gold. It's good to share such luxury with others. 

Today's Wednesday Soup couldn't take place because I had a maintenance worker from the housing organisation I live in my bathroom to solve a leaky sink. It's fixed, I'm glad it works again but people had to miss their soup today. (It got complained about. I'm missed with my soup and that's a good sign) Next week better I hope. 

The year looks promising so far. I hope the year off the Tiger will be a good one, despite me being a Monkey in chinese zodiac. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.   

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