maandag 24 januari 2022

Good afternoon at the 24th off January, 2022 (2)

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Right now the sky is cloudy and grey. It's very cold outside and I find it hard, despite being fat, to be outside for too long. I prefer inside warmth! 


I have been deciding for quite some time that I wanted to spend my day a bit better than getting out around 11.00 AM, and just having a large pot off coffee and going out only for dinner each evening and a short walk. I wanted to be a bit more active. This morning I have been setting my timer around 9.00 AM and got out a bit earlier to join Jewelry Making at monday morning at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. I made a necklace I offered to their small outlet. They are allowed to sell my work and it's always appreciated when I do so. 

My choice in materials tells me I'm still depressed, but I wanted to adjust a clear hint off colour so I added the large green beads to it. Most details are black, white and grey though. I can see it's made nicely though and people complimented me on it. It's been a good start off the week. After jewelry making we had lunch and I went with grocery shopping with the van. 

Psychiatric health care told me it was better to be up around 8, highly 9 and take part off the day instead off sleeping in all the time and altering my day and night routine. They try to prevent in most people to do that and help them with it. If there's one thing they're weary off it's a good daytime routine in people. It's probably the reason why a lot off places for psychiatric patients have a morning coffee moment, amongside off other things to help us. It's important. If it was up to me I would sleep untill 11 and still be awake around midnight. I managed today to take care off my looks even. A doll up off whipped cream, a hint off mascara and even lipstick. I did my best today. 

Allright, that's about it- 
Thank you for reading.   

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