maandag 24 januari 2022

Good afternoon at the 24th off January, 2022. (1)

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cold and cloudy and it's still January but there is light at the end off the tunnel. Restrictions will be softened untill almost none anymore. Such a relief for this entire country. 


First off all I would like to share some pictures off the nice present I gave myself to cope with Blue Monday. The 15th off January, it's Dutch National Tulip day so to soften the edges off something sharp, I purchased myself some tulips and I have a lot off pictures off them. I loved how they grew and how beautifull they became in my vase. 

Warning: Picture drop off the same subject. I have a lot off pictures and this weblog is the perfect place to put all my attemps in photography on. 


I somewhat love taking pictures off flowers in nice vases. They lend themselves well for photography. I had 7 in the main vase, and then sacrificed 3 on my small altair for the good gods, to show gratefullness about the previous year. I happen to have a small altair in my home. The flowers have already bloomed and are thrown away but They kept me mentally alive previous week. 

I have even better news I'm going to share with you in my next weblog for today. These pictures where taken during diffrent days and show diffrent stages off growth off tulips. Photographing them was fun. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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