vrijdag 14 januari 2022

Good evening at the 14th off January, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

This night is cloudy with chances to see the moon. It's not as cold as yesterday but it's still winter. 


The most extreme lockdown is put off off our shoulders. It's due to infection numbers increasing a terrible lot and the government fearing society can get out off controll if we keep on being in lockdown. A lot off basic things will re-open. I'm relieved. I hope it's not a bad thing. People have to live with Corona from now on and the government hopes for the best since Omikron isn't as sickening as they thought. 

It's something to celebrate. The main lockdown is off tomorrow and I'll be capable to buy a cake for the memorial off my father's birthday at HEMA's next week. Something I almost feared I couldn't do but something simple like that can take place. I'm tired and I hope I can sleep better from now on. A voice in my head told me I can take a break tomorrow and get some rest. I believe I deserve that. I'm a bit wobbly inside today. I hope for a medicine against Corona. That would be the best solution. But I better don't be a negative nancy about being freed from the lockdown. It's a good thing to feel free to breathe again for society as we need that these days. 

I felt down a week ago, I feel a bit cheered up this week. This has been a good week for me when it comes to mood. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.

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