woensdag 12 januari 2022

Good afternoon at the 12th off January, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is cold and cloudy but there´s no rain today. There was sparkly white frost on the gras this morning, however. The dew had frozen and turned the gras mat at Gortershof into a pretty sight. 


I'm exhausted from getting barely any sleep. I think by now we could speak off fatigue. A condition where you can't sleep no matter how tired you are and it's linked to mental illnesses. I'm just not certain about it. 

Despite being exhausted, I managed to cook a perfect pot off Brocoli Courgette soup this morning for Wednesday Soup. I have made plans some time ago, but I didn't stick to what I have come up with previous month. I'm spontaneous. I befriend people with mild autism easily but not at that point. So today was for Brocoli Courgette and next week will be for Surinamese Peanut soup. I'm glad I didn't hand out my plans previous month to de Boed. Soup making gave me positive energy this morning. I could use that and the entire lunch crowd enjoyed their soup. It's such a rewarding thing to do. 

Wabi-Sabi. The Japanese art off enjoying the imperfection and decay on items, objects and in nature. Something came to my mind: What if people would practice Wabi-Sabi on people's faces more often? Appreciate flaws and aging instead off being grosed out by it. You'd get away with pimples, wrinkles, dark cirkles and what not. Those pimples on my forehead? A perfect example off nature's imperfection and therefore a form off art. Maybe people would be less jerks if they'd practice this ancient Japanese wisdom on each other's faces more often. It's just a thought. I'd be dishonest if I would say I like all faces. I have my preferences on people and not all imperfections - severe acne for example- is beauty in my opinion. I'd advocate for a way off thinking that let people be themselves, however. And which might lead to self- acceptance.  

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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