woensdag 15 februari 2023

Good evening at the 15th off February, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today the weather was sunny and bright and there was a Spring feeling in the air. 


I have a warning I wish to share with all off you. Don't be shocked: 

The crisis will deepen. There will be a point where vegetables will be incredibly expensive, and probably not available at all. Not even a rich household can serve them on their plate and it's because off the drought that will be this or one off these summers, and it can hold on untill winter there will be no vegetables, and most people can only eat bread for dinner. I'm sorry to say. 

And it's best to repeat it again: Pluto in Aquarius is coming upon us, but I have the idea we shouldn't expect technological development the way it's promised to us. Be warned for dissapointment in that field. I don't know if I should come back from the 50's prediction, since that somehow seems a bit extreme to me. But you never know nowadays, as I've learned the weirdest visions often have the power to come true. 

You might say that I'm a doom thinker, but my foresights can be accurate at time.

So aside from freezing in winter, as we can expect, people will be hungry and underfed aswell. Be deeply aware is all I can say. I'm sorry to say this but at least I can say I did my duty when it comes true. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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