donderdag 9 februari 2023

Good evening at the 9th off February, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's been cold and grey outside today. The previous days have been more sunny. 


Today I decided I wanted to repair my closet. It's been broken for several years but I have been slacking in repairing the stupid (Cheap ass) thing. Untill today. today I had a clear vieuw in mind where I needed the clothing rack that has been on the floor for so much time. I went to the thriftshop, but they didn't have the part that was broken. I had to take a long walk to the do-it-yourself store pretty far off. The bus is having a strike the entire week so I had to go on foot. I paid pretty much for the parts. Luckily I have been arranging an emergency fund for broken parts. Every time when I had 1 or 2 euro's left, I put it in a saving tin so when something is broken, or when I need to buy things like poststamps or screws, it can be done with that money. (I'm smart with money.) 

It was pretty much off a walk. From my home to Gamma's near the viaduct. Or maybe I'm just in bad condition for being lazy all the time. Fortunately, Gamma's had everything and I think it's quite handy to have one on walking distance. It's less fortunate for it to be pricey. But that's where the emergency fund comes in handy. (Lesson in here folks: Be sure to have some money left in case something in your home decides to break.) Despite the rack to be on the floor for so much time, today I had the windfall on my mind to do something about it. And the screws I bought are probably fit to repair a broken knob on my TV closet aswell. My home isn't rich and I don't have the money for new stuff, but at least it's not broken anymore after I repaired my furniture. 

I need the clothing rack to store my sweaters. I decided to re-wear them next year. Especially when prices keep on being this ridiculously high, I'm going to need to wear them again next year instead off buying new. But they take up some space on my shelves. I had that vieuw pretty clear on my mind today. So I had to move my ass to save it up next year. (Lesson in here: It's a crisis out there, so safe up your clothes this year so you can wear 'em again next year.)  

Aside to buying equipment from the do-it-yourself store, today was for sharing home made cookies with de Boed. Yesterday I felt fed up and almost agressive. But instead off speaking my mind to the person I held those feelings for and calling him a faggot, I decided on cookie baking. 


Buddha saved me this time. I had the feeling as a new learning Buddhist, hungry for eastern wisdom, I better don't perform out on acts off violence or bullying. Not even when delusional anger hits me. So I made these to leave the subject off my anger alone and keep myself from spilling karma points. AND the audience to de Boed's music afternoon loved them. They kept on complimenting me on them. So it's win-win. Instead off spoiling karma, I probably gained it. I love Buddha. I didn't make a complete fool out off myself yesterday and I did something good. Buddhism saved my soul, and many other things yesterday. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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