maandag 20 februari 2023

Good evening at the 20th off February, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today is windy and cloudy outside. You could call it almost stormy. 


Today some sort off gloom has come over me. I don't know what it is, but after a weekend off struggling with my health, I feel all dark and down and negative today. And Monday already isn't my favourite day off the week. Still it has to happen every week to go grocery shopping in the grocery shopping van. 

This weekend I felt terrible. I have been feeling bad ever since Wednesday. I had no condition to walk to Koogerpark like I would have love to on Tuesday, and all because an emergency medication on Monday. So I have been feeling bad ever since last week. Though last week I felt more positive about life and enjoyed fun things more, despite the attacks. That's a few steps backward on the ladder. I don't know what happened today why this negativity has come over me so badly. Maybe a side effect to feeling so bad last week. I should contact my health care about it. I don't know if it's part off it. 

This weekend was for trying a package off cake from the Dutch brand Koopmans: 

The coloured sprinkles where my own adjustment. I wanted to see how it tasted. I shared it at de Boed, a small community centre in Zaandijk, for their Sunday coffee moment and it was delicious. People loved it and I loved it. I love baking and it's always good to try things like limited editions to see how it tastes. Usually I work from scratch, but this package I couldn't resist. 

This is the year off the rabbit. The Chinese year off the rabbit so to say. I have visions off rabbits and what they want for this year, they unite in front off my altair and I kinda hear what these cute bunnies want to tell me: They are into sharing. Collective stuff for everyone. Especially in these expensive times, the rabbit supports initiatives that are ment to support everyone for as cheap as possible. Like free coffee at de Boed, and going to the swimming pool on government support, cheap lemonade glasses in the supermarket for everyone (They seemed like good quality, so I couldn't resist.) And you get a price in the year off the sheep for sharing if you decide to start such an innitiative in your own life. I wish to go up for the price off cookie & cake sharer. I can share home made cookies and cake with people for free. So, Cheap innitiatives for as cheap as possible, and preferably free. What I said are examples from my own life, but I wish for the audience to see how they can adapt sharing into their lives. As cheap as possible. I got in a fight with the rabbit-feeling when it told me to share my closet and tableware more with the audience. I'm proud off my items. Closet and fancy tableware, so I'm not into sharing that. 

Though I believe sharing is a good idea. We are not alone in this world and if you can, you can help people make it through this crisis. I had the fun idea to support my locals and puchase more small items from the few local shops we have in the area, to support them and the Zaanish economy. Zaanstad is as poor as can be. A lot off places and streets are old, bad maintained and shabby. I believe they can use my help. Not to all costs, I have to protect myself and not overspend, as that's not the intention here. But purchasing small items which are a good deal in my eyes, help me and them making it through a crisis. And it's fun as long as I can. Support your locals! 

But that's my personal idea. Supporting your locals. The rabbit told me they are for sharing and initiatives for the collective needs off the audience. That does not necessairily mean shoping at local stores. But sharing items and foods as good as you can and I love the idea. If we would adapt a middle eastern mindset, and share among each other, we stand much stronger than when we would live just for ourselves and take it completely anti-social. But that's how I see it and how I would love to see it in society. 

But I should not fall for the trap some people who call themselves a fortune teller fall into: Stinking naiveness. This crisis is dark, people are egocentric and the trouble will only deepen and darken. I wish to believe in sharing. I do so myself and I would like to see everyone sharing. Laundry wash from multipacks, toothpaste, a plate off food- whatever you can miss to someone. But I also know mankind by now and despite the idea being good, I got a hard head in it. Though the rabbit is a soft zodiac sign with modest intentions and a sensitive spirit. It's ment well to mankind this year. 

Now it's up to us. 

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