vrijdag 10 februari 2023

Good evening at the 10th off February, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

This evening the sky is cloudy, dark and rainy. It's pretty depressing ATM. 


There has been something on my mind these months. In the newspaper they spoke off economic standstill. It means in the entire European Union, the economic growth has been 0,1 plus or 0,1 minus due to the war in Ukraine. It kinda triggered me into thinking 'With standstill comes stagnation, which means there is probably no space for improvement and fun things next year.' I think that's a bad thing. No space for development, whetheter it be creative and artistic, in the field off science and education or health. No money means no money and that sucks. I think it's always such a good thing when the world improves as good as possible. 

We can re-work with what we still got, see how far we can get by re-using classics and keep on doing the same thing over and over but then slighly better, but a little improvement and a little investment would help us much further than re-working the old all the time. But I'm afraid re-working the old is the reality off today in modern Europe. As long as we keep on being buisy, there is no space for personal stagnation, and a material downfall can mean mental improvement and people being more gratefull for what they have, I agree. 

But I would love to see a little more improvement, more opportunities to try harder, and more creativity to satisfy our mortal souls. Not a standstill that will probably last a few years. I'm someone who agrees the world can do perfectly with less materialism, and spoiled brats should be more confinced with what they got instead off whining over the latest fashion and smartphones. But no growth at all? That should not be and isn't good for anyone. People are born to explore and improve themselves each time.  

I felt a bit upset about that news and I still feel upset about it. I hope this year won't be one off even more standstill for the continent. But I shouldn't expect that. I think I better go with 'As long as we keep ourselves buisy with what we still got, there is no space for true stagnation.' And maybe we will grow somehow, after all. 

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