maandag 27 februari 2023

Good evening at the 27th off February, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Welcome at my 500th weblog so far! I don't know how I made it to here, but it's almost worthit a celebration. 500 weblogs ever since 2018! 

Today has been cold and sunny. It's been beautifull but ice cold. 


Today has been for Monday Grocery shopping with the Leviaan grocery van. Usually that's pretty boring. But today I didn't mind. It went well. 

Tomorrow I do have a way to celebrate my 500th weblog. It's not been my intention when making these, it's just been having to use old banana's before they went spoiled, and an act off rebellion against Russia. Just like British women during WWII, I wanted to be as stable and solid as a rock and not being disrupted by the war. I took that as an example and I made two banana cakes for tomorrow afternoon with our coffee: 

I don't let my good spirits being disrupted by the Russians, it's a statement against the crisis, it's for de Boed so they have something good with their afternoon coffee (Instead off the boring cookies they usually put us up with. I told you I should practice gratitude better. But usually de Boed has plain and boring cookies with their afternoon coffee. A way for them to safe money these days, probably.)

One came out beautifully, and the other one came out messed up. But I suppose people don't mind once it's served in slices on a pastry plate. They're an act off rebellion against Russia and a way to use up old banana's and cheer up a boring tuesday. And now they're the perfect way to celebrate my 500th weblog, but I didn't have that one thought out untill now. People are probably going to be very happy with their cake tomorrow. If something has several reasons, it's probably a good thing. Most ingredients I had in my cupboards for this. It's a massive crisis, but I have been thinking ahead and hamstering some stuff for baking. 

I still don't have the money back from my hospital adventure, so I'm afraid I have to take it sober too tomorrow. I'm glad I can have cake too with my fellow clients and de Boed's staff. Who knows tomorrow is going to be a good day. It's at least promising for afternoon coffee time. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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