woensdag 1 maart 2023

Good evening at the 1st off March, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

This morning was misty and cold, as the banks off the river Thames in London according to the rumors. It's been that typicall. Cold, grey and misty. But the mist made place for a cold yet sunny day. 


Today was for dessert making instead off soup making. They asked me for a dessert instead off soup, like usuall. It was a nice set off off the usuall. I decided I wanted to make apple cherry crumble. And it was a succes. The receipe came from the dessert bible by Rutger van den Broek, my baking hero. The dinning room was pretty crowded today. And I'm so proud off myself it was a big succes again this evening. People loved their dessert tonight. It's been something diffrent than the usuall, depressing bowl off vla we usually eat. 

We had it served on a pastry plate with a scoop off cinnamon ice cream. I could harvest compliments all over. It's been perfect for after dinner tonight.

And it's been easy to make. De Boed is struggling with being short on staff, but an apple crumble is so easy for me to make, I don't need help from anyone with it. Soup is a bit off work on the other hand, which requires a bit off help sometimes. I told them if they are short on staff again, they can let me make this on Wednesday and it's cool with me either. Apple crumble with cherries sure has been the high point off our day. It's been a good idea. Today we where not as poor as the streetbricks for once with this as our dessert. 

Warning: Something medical. 

I also had my psychiatric health nurse visiting me. They don't have the results to my bloodtest yet. She told me we would discuss them today wheter they where good or bad, but there is nothing so far. I would not be suprised if there was something, to be honest. On the other hand, they would have contacted me if there was something wrong. But maybe it's a bit early on for results. 

Tomorrow I will have a day off from swimming. But the bus company holds a strike so I can't visit the market in Zaandam. I have to come up with something diffrent to fill my day. Otherwise I will have a pretty boring day tomorrow. I got the money from my hospital adventure back, so I have a little more space for spending, though I have the feeling it's not a bad idea to be a bit sober with money these weeks. It can come in handy to have it when it's needed. You never know. I'm thinking about spending my thursday either cookie baking, or reading. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      

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