maandag 20 maart 2023

Good evening at the 20th off March, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

This evening it´s raining cats and dogs. It´s soakingly wet outside, and the day was cloudy, depressing and grey. 


Today was for baking three cookie spiced banana cakes. I have been making two common ones, and one in the shape off an Easter rabbit. 

Other than that, it has been the same grocery routine I follow every Monday. (The Easter Rabbit mold, by the way, comes from HEMA.) It's just that it has been raining today and it was a bit more depressing than the usuall. The banana cakes are for tomorrow games afternoon at de Boed, when they do a bingo with the clients. I have been making them becuase I had to get out off old bananas, and I thought the games afternoon would be the perfect occasion for banana cakes. I'm proud everything came out off it's mold perfectly. 

I filled my stock off baking supplies, but I thought it'd be scandalous how expensive everything is nowadays. It's not fun to bake anymore for a common household, or someone with diffrent purposes on their groceries than me. I have been capable to afford everything I needed today, but it was not cool for my supplies to have become this insanely expensive. I somehow believe everything will be even more pricey in the future. I'm so lucky I don't have a family to feed nowadays. And don't make these banana cakes the perfect gifts somehow to de Boed? I kept repeating it for myself: 'These are perfect gifts, I hope you realize.' To the problem I barely have money for gifts anymore. I don't have much to give, but I can bake for them. 

At least we can somehow celebrate the start off Spring with fresh banana cakes. And I'm lucky with it. We are not alone in this world. I still believe in sharing, somehow. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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