zaterdag 11 maart 2023

Good evening at the 11th off March, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

This afternoon was pretty sunny, I had afternoon coffee in the sun. There's a forecast off more showers, whatsoever. The snow is gone so far. 


This morning was for baking this forest fruit syrup waffle pie. We will have it at our afternoon coffee at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. Aside to berry sauce, I decided to adjust syrup waffles to the filling. I hope the combination will be a succes tomorrow. It's a try out, but people at de Boed already believe it's going to be great. All my bakings are beloved among them. The icing sugar hides the lack off eggwash, (I forgot) and the messed up checkers on top. I had the berry sauce left over in my freezer, and thought it would make the perfect pie filling. The receipe for the dough comes from 'Appeltaart bij Janneke thuis.' by Janneke Philippi, but I adjusted vanilla extract and my own selected cookie spices to it. 

And offcourse the filling is no appeltaart, but broken syrup waffles on the bottom, and home made berry sauce, thickened a bit with cornstarch on top. Actuall appeltaart will be next week, snow or not. (If I can afford, otherwise it's going to be something else.) 

Sometimes it's a good idea not to eat the entire package off syrup waffles when you allow yourself one at Friday night. 😉 The day is sunny, but there's a promise off even more snow in the air, but I'm doing well.   

Allright, that's about it for now - 

Thank you for reading. 

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