dinsdag 7 maart 2023

Good afternoon at the 7th off March, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is cold, grey and it has snowed this morning while I was in the city centre. 

Today I went to Action's to purchase a cake stand. It's just that they have already been sold out and I didn't have much luck with it. I had lunch at the small shopping centre's lunch corner, and I decided I wanted a slice off applepie and a cappuccino after that. So I did. I know prices are high, and the restaurant was almost empty. But the applepie was still a bit warm and I haven't had something that good in a while. 

Action's was out off cake stands. You know, a fancy glass plate on a pedestal. I thought it would be the perfect adjustment to my collection off tableware in case I wanted to serve something on it. On the internet, you pay quite a lot for these. I hope Action's will come back permanently with them. They seemed like quite a succes to me. I can price myself lucky I wasn't tempted to purchase anything else from Action's than what I came for. 

And my transport card had expired. I took a walk to the station to buy a new one, and charge it. At home I filled in a form on the internet to re-claim the money that's been on my old one. And that's been my morning. 

Edit: Some awesome music to end this blog with, otherwise you might think I might just have had a boring day. 😉

Jan Hammer- Crockett's Theme 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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