vrijdag 10 maart 2023

Good evening at the 10th off March, 2023.

 Good evening everyone,

Today the Netherlands was shook up by a blizzard. It's snowing and it has been snowing the entire afternoon. The streets where covered in a layer off snow this afternoon. As if something yells at us: 'IT'S STILL WINTER!!!!!'  


This evening is for tea with a syrup waffle. It's snowing outside and ahead off me lays a weekend off doing little, except for baking a fruit pie, probably. I will do so on Saturday. I'm doubting wheter I will top it with checkers or do a pattern in the dough on top, with flowers done with a cookiecutter. The flowers will be a bit easier for me, since the checkers are always a little hard for me. I hope de Boed will enjoy my creation on Sunday. It's nasty weather this weekend, that simply asks for a baking. 

I decided, if next week will be snowy too, I will make de Boed a simple appeltaart (Dutch applepie) for next weekend. Nothing is as appreciated as that when the weather is bad. And practice a little with those checkers on top. Many a Dutch person can make it, I should be capable to do so too. Often I make myself away with it easy, by making apple crumble pie so no one will notice the lack off checkers. Next week I should owe up to it better, and simply give it a try. You never know. 

Somehow I expect the bad weather to last for some time. I'm thinking off not storing away my sweaters and goat wool socks untill I feel spring has truly started. Somehow untill after the first or second week off spring. 

Nothing is as sacred as my evening tea when the weather is all dreary like this. No matter how deep the crisis will be, I just have to have my tea in the evening. A simple heart enhancer, but it's good for mind, body and soul. And it's mind calming in the evening. 

Today was a bit boring. I had lunch with a left over off my mustard soup at de Boed, and I have been thinking out the Wednesday Soup for next week. Other than snow and seeking out soup receipes on the internet, little has happened. (Next week will be for creamy celeriac soup, with stripes off bacon.) 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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