donderdag 9 maart 2023

Good evening at the 9th off March, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cold, grey, dreary and gloomy. In the evening, there has been wet snow. As if something wishes to tell us: 'It's still winter, everyone.' 


Today we had the alderman from social business for a visit for lunch at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. Guess what they served siding the sandwiches? Well, yes, my Zaanish mustard soup. The alderman and Leviaan's entire management (CEO, two managers) and staff from the alderman pretty much loved my soup. We had a lot off important people for lunch today, and I made the perfect impression on them with my Wednesday Soup, which they had shoven to Thursday for the occasion. The intention off all off that was to let the alderman meet de Boed, and Leviaan, and share ideas for participating more, and involving the neighbourhood and the government more into Leviaan business and activities. It was quite important, but it wasn't for my soup if it failed. 

Other than that, I wish to reccomend a book to my audience. 

And the Dutch version, which I actually read: 

The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse, by Charlie Mackesy. I had it as a present from my mother this week. I just love it. It's and image book for all ages, and I have been really touched by the images and the story off friendship and the beautifull life lessons they share with us. It's just perfect for any sensitive heart. If you're into loud popculture, it's not for you, probably. But if you are sensitive, mature, and strong- and looking for some wise words, I would definetely recommend it to you. It's a work off love which is very stirring in my opinion. Those images really do something to me. If you are looking for something with great emotional depth, look no further! You're going to love it.  

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading! 

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