zondag 19 maart 2023

Good evening at the 19th off March, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today is grey, cold and cloudy. It's as dreary as the Netherlands can be. 


They all loved my appeltaart. I have made their day and it was a perfect idea. I hope it doesn't sound like over-acting to you. Most off the time I'm more down to earth when it comes to my own performance, but my appeltaart was perfect and I'm a pretty good home cook. It's always a good thing to make those people happy. It's such a warm feeling, also to myself, to help and make others happy. Buddha is right when it comes to that. 

I have plans in that field, actions off kindness. It's just that it's a crisis and I believe I don't have enough money to perform them. I wish to buy a multipack off laundry wash from a good brand (On a sharp discount) and donate it to de Boed's give away shop. And I wish to purchase a barbie princess doll and donate it to the PostNL action at Bruna's (A local bookstore) to help children who are poor to a birthday present. They have a donation bin where you can donate a present to a poor child. I would love that. It's just that I sound like a politician: A lot off promises, but when it comes to making things true, I can't or won't or simply don't do it. 

I can see myself having more financial space somewhere around May. It's not funny, but I'm barely capable to donate or give at the moment. I don't even have money for small presents for my brothers when I come to visit this Easter. A lot off people don't do it and wonder why I do so, but there was a time where I could buy my family small gifts when I went for a visit. I love giving gifts and I believe it's good to give. It's just that in this crisis, I can't even purchase key rings with a stuffed animal to them if I would like. Care takers told me that I should think off myself, and put myself first these days when it comes to that. I just don't like it. I love spontaneous, heartfelt, well-ment (small) gifts for people every now and then. 

I have send postcards recently, so I feel like I don't have to do that soon (I also love to send my family postcards every often.) Poststamps are ridiculously expensive. I still have a few. But it's something I put money from my pocket aside for to still be capable to buy them. Poststamps are important to me. Important enough to keep on buying them, still. I have send people cards and gifts recently. It's no desperate need, and I can hold it up untill May. Still, I don't like to have to be sober with gifts. I have an emergency fund recently, but it's purely ment for poststamps, or when something happens and I need a bit off money for it. It's not ment for funny gifts. It's not fun to have to save up from gifts for me! I think I will be glad when it's people's birthday and it's legid to really give people something. The first upcoming birthday is at the 19th off June, so I still have some time to save it. 

The next thing I'm going to save up from, is winter clothes for next year. I already know I'm going to wear the same sweaters and shirts from this year, and what my Christmas '23 outfit is going to be: It's previous year's outfit! Like I told my readers, it's possible to do Christmas on a budget if you really need to. Everything is insanely expensive. I think I don't do bad on it. I'm lucky my family is a Christmas Sweater family, and not the sparkly chique outfit kind off family. But that's concern for later. I purchased so much sweaters previous December, it's a crime not to re-wear them. 

Other than that, I have no reason to complain. I have a few Easter decorations in my home, and I have an Easter branch I decorated with items I had still 'on the shelves.' It's a bit spoiled if I would complain too much. I'm going to wear a nice (soft green) shirt I have been wearing for three Easters in a row this year to Easter, and I'm going to wear some nice pink sneakers under it I still have. It's not hard at all. And I look my Easter- best this year. It's a crime for me to complain. Except for those presents. But maybe I should not promise anything to anyone. So I won't make them dissapointed in anything. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  


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