vrijdag 24 februari 2023

Good evening at the 24th off February, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's cold, grey, cloudy and misty outside. There was even rain in the morning. 


Warning: this blog is about something medical. 

This morning was for visiting the hospital since I had to go for a bloodtest. I have been  feeling bad for a bit more than a week and I wanted to examine if there was anything wrong in my blood. 

There has been a public transport strike, so I had to go by cab. It's been a pretty expensive drive. Just like breakfast at the hospital restaurant. But I had to go pricking completely sober. So I was not allowed to eat before the bloodtest. I took a cab to the station when I was finished and then went to the station for the train to my mother's home. 

It's time for visit after a while off absence. I needed to visit mom and the family for this weekend and I bought her roses before arriving here. Today has been one hell off pricey. Sometimes I think life is after robbing you somehow these days. But what's needed is needed sometimes. We have to go to the hospital sometimes, and we are not alone in this world. So a gift is a necessity at times. (As long as you can afford.) Despite the times being expensive. 

This morning the meadows on the way to mom's place where all foggy and gloomy. It had something mystic almost to see the mist hanging over the fields. Something dark and spooky somehow. As far as I could see from out the train's window. This morning has been a small adventure. 

Next week I will discuss the test results with the mental health nurse. I have been really sick. But I had no fever, or high bloodplessure so I had to enclose something worse with that test. Like medicine or hormone levels. 

I'm glad I took it sober with my extra money this month, so I could afford everything today. I thought: 'Let's not spend it all at once, just because you never know something might happen.' And today is the perfect example off a thing called intuition working for me these months. The money I haven't spend on clothes was spend on an emergency. 

I would recommend this to everyone: Keep money behind for things like this. It's a crisis but we're human after all. So things might happen to us which require extra and high costs. Be certain to be capable to have emergencies covered when they occure. Don't spend money all at once. Better safe than sorry.

So now it's relaxing at my mom's home for this weekend. She appreciated the flowers. 

Somehow I hope the bloodtest was good for something and does what it needs to: examin whether something is wrong in my blood, or not so I have to keep searching. I have to say I have been feeling better ever since Thursday with my health. So I hope it's been nevertless usefull. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  


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