woensdag 26 augustus 2020

Good afternoon at the 26th off August, 2020.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's stormy today. This year begun stormy, I wonder if it will end with a big storm evrey weekend. Summer is defenetly over, The Netherlands becomes rainy for over half a year after the summer months are over. I don't mind rain, it's not as bad as large heath. 

It's the kind off gloomy day where you hope there is good and wholesome foods on the menu to make you cope with it being rainy. 

I said at the beginning off summer / mid spring that I wanted to cook with summer foods which are in season, but I didn't make it very far with that. I made some creamsicles the previous three weekends at de Boed for sunday dessert, all three where appreciated, but I barely put anything in season in them. I'm sorry to say that I skipped working with exotic foods, or even fresh berries and I haven't made any salad with all the lettuce and other summer vegetables. First world problems, probably. I eat every evening at de Boed with fellow clients. This is a location for older people, so often they eat standard, old fashioned Dutch foods, potatoes, meat and vegetables, or Indonesian nasi or bami, or a stamp. most off these dishes I would consider more off a winter-dish,

I should not be complaining about foods I got for almost free, but they lack creativitiy and a modern take on food in their kitchen. It's unthankfull to talk bad about it, (I'm not like most modern spoiled people, I eat what I got served most off the time.) the quality off the foods, however, varies with who cooks them. Sometimes we are lucky, but often we don't have much luck with what got served. I can lend them a hand at times, which I do when I feel capable, but often I'm out off energy, too busy or someone else takes the food on them. Yesterday was the first time I happened to complain out loud about a dish being very flaw and tasteless. I sometimes wish I had a family to come home to and cook good foods for. Or just a loving and caring husband who appreciates everything I serve him. (I wish for one who helps me with the dishes afterwards.) 

I'm afraid we all know by now that that is not going to happen and that I'm a problem case for my entire life. So I have to deal with bad foods cooked by uninterested staff working at de Boed often. Anyway, I hadn't had much off a chance cooking typical fresh summer foods. Or even having a barbecue this year. Because due to Corona, the summer barbecue could not be organized this year. If I had a backyard I could have had a barbecue almost once a week if I would have liked to. Summer is over and I hadn't had even one this entire year. I should not complain. Probably the entire world missed out on things this summer. Next year, or after Corona is done, I hope I will help them with preparing foods for a propper, big summer barbecue for a lot off people. 

Allright, that's about it. 

Thank you all for reading.  



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