maandag 24 augustus 2020

Good evening at the 24th off August, 2020.

Good evening everyone,  

Warning: This weblog might scare people. 

The weather has changed, it's autumn-like and it's colder and more rainy these days. I found a receipe in a super market folder last week, and I thought it would be perfect to celebrate late summer with. 

The end off this month is always sensitive in my family. We've had several losses which have taken place recently and I hope when they look down on us from the other world, they don't feel offended by my baking kick these days. I have been making a banana bread this weekend, and an applepie today. Usually, those things are inappropriate when you mourn and it's not ment to offend (dead) people when I feel like baking so much these days. I prabably feel uneasy about it myself. Next year, I have the idea I won't take on the end off august offensive for my family. May they rest in peace. 

So, today was for grocery shopping and baking. I need my hobbies more than ever these days. I have a certain issue these days with a neighbour with a crime record. I found out these days he is violent and has an alcohol problem. He has been sued by court several times, and he even made it to the newspaper with it. He rattles people's doors at midnight and sometimes he even harasses people who live here with threathenings and physical fights. One off these events even made it to the newspaper, as said. I feel like it's a whole lot to take on this, though I decided to involve my living organisation, the police and as many authorities as possible for this nightmare off a neighbour. I wish I could laugh about it to lighten up, but it's hard for me to take on this without crossing mental borders.

 I have been involved in cases with such neighbours before, but I can't help but think it's very hard to have this matter again going on in my life. It never seems to end, unfortunately. For the first time as far as I can remember, I feel unsafe. I can't explain why I feel like it's too much to handle this time. Though I decided on to take on this as good and as bad as I possibly can as this has to be solved. I'm glad people in my surrounding are very helpfull in solving this issue. I wish the government and the police would take on this seriously and do their job with this guy for once. And that's what makes me frightened: This man is taken on too lightly by authorities. I can't take on him myself, I would be in life threathening danger if I would. (I believe I'm lucky for them not to understand English as well as I do. Or reading my weblog anyway.) What are we to do with this if authorities don't keep us safe from people like that? I decided to live on despite everything, but that would be easier if my surrounding would work with for once.         

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