zaterdag 8 augustus 2020

I'm not allowed in.

Good evening everyone,  

There is a country across the ocean made off rocket high dreams and I'm not allowed in. 

I've heard that, if you happen to have a psychiatric disease, you're not allowed into the U.S. You have to fill in a form with that question and if you reply with 'yes.' then you're simply not allowed into the United States. It's the same category as terrorists and criminals. I've always wished to see it there at least once in my life but now it turns out that is never going to happen because off my disease. 

I feel bad about it since I have this disease for my entire life and now I'm never, ever going to visit the U.S because off that. 

I'm a well behaving Dutch citizen, I don't have a record or any history with crime, I don't do bad things. I feel a bit offended because off that rule. I see why dangerous people with a mental handicap aren't allowed in, but there are mild cases like me who behave perfectly and are proud off that. I get easily tired, A trip to the U.S would cost me a fortune on money and energy. I don't know if I could withstand the flight to there alone, but still- I wish I had the right to enter.   

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