zaterdag 19 november 2022

Good evening at the 19th off November, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was freezin' cold weather in the streets off Zaandijk. The sky was clear and there was no wet snow, like forecasted. Still it was cold. 


This morning was for the morning coffee moment at de Boed, just doing nothing but having my morning coffee. Then having lots off rest, and waiting for Sinterklaas to enter Zaandijk. I waited on a bench for some time, then decided it was very cold, so I got back to bed again and I have spend my time in bed for today. Sinterklaas entered this place pretty late. About 17.00 PM the couch and the crowd showed up in this street, and it was dark outside already. I had the luck I could take a sight on it since it was about time for dinner that time. So, except for Sinterklaas, (And helping with the dishes after dinner at de Boed) not much happened today. I didn't even bake something, while that was in my planning. I felt bad and tired all day. I even had an attack this morning which had to fade before I got on with my day. I expected Sinterklaas to have been a bit earlier. If I knew he would have been late, I would have been baking something today for de Boed tomorrow. Except for spending time in bed and being put to rest, but I probably needed that. I didn't feel good today. 

My mom doesn't celebrate Sinterklaas anymore ever since my dad died. But we do celebrate Christmas and I have been purchasing some Christmas gifts. I told my readers not to do gifts if they do hard with bills and are low on money this year, but I did it with money that was gifted to me by mom. So I suppose it's allright to give her something in return. I didn't buy expensive gifts, just some nice presents for my family. I guess I'm still lucky this year. 

I love to give gifts and I love the holiday season. 'tis the season for giving. 'tis the season for shiny boxes and wrapping papers. I just hate for us not to celebrate Sinterklaas anymore, and that Sinterklaas doesn't actually excist. I would have loved to get a present, and if he would have excisted, I sure would have been given something. Sometimes it crinches a bit to give without to be returned something by people. My brothers aren't such gift givers. My mom is, though. And somehow I expect not to return empty handed. But someone should teach my brothers to give. They're too old to be raised into it. I had to find out for myself I somehow love giving gifts to people, but if I would have known that earlier on, I would have taught them myself as the eldest sister in the family. They're such ignorant men sometimes when it comes to this. And who knows, maybe I will get something from them if they are in a giving mood. If Santa only would have excist... I sure wouldn't be empty handed. 

I'm listening to Christmas Jazz at the moment. It's romantic background music from a café and I would love me some coffee as pictured on the first photo. I just have no money for it at the moment. I don't make bad coffee myself, and I have cute muggs with birds on it, but a coffee from a café? In a cup I could almost swim in? Yes, please. When the holidays are over and I can afford that again. Zaandijk doesn't has a place where they serve large coffees like that. My mom's husband has a luxurious coffee machine. He always serves me a latte machiatto when I'm there. Other than that, I just have to live with plain coffee with milk. Still, Christmas Jazz is a good idea. It enhances the ambience off my home. I mean this music:  

 Today was also for wearing a Christmas scent. From previous year, nevertless, but still perfect for a holiday mood. I smell like vanilla today. Despite everything, the romance off New York isn't far away today. I would have loved to be a journalist at the United States eastcoast if I would have been better, or a novelist. A writer off some sort. Aside to that, romantic comedies always seem to have a writer for their main character, situated in New York somehow. Maybe I would have had more luck in love if I would have had such a life. Or I could have written a romantic comedy about it if I would have had a degree. And an agent. But that's not me and it's not my life. 

Last thought off the evening: 

I think the nutcracker is a bit overrated as a Christmas theme. I mean, it's a cool and dreamy Christmas ballet, and I have been fully listening it last year, but you see nutcrackers everywhere and somehow I think that's not cool. What you also do see, and which is to my liking, is Christmas gnomes. I love the bearded, big nosed Christmas gnomes you see everywhere, and I have some in my home as a decoration and I'm going to give away Christmas gnomes for presents this year. Some might say that's overrated, but it's more to my liking than the Nutcracker. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading!  

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