zondag 13 november 2022

Good morning at the 13th off November, 2022.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today is a beautifull day in autumn with the leaves all pretty and the skies all clear, a hint off a cloud and sunny. It's cold though. 


This christmas period, I have to skip on a lot off luxury. I got a bit off money from mom, but my pay account isn't in much off a christmas mood. I purchased a few warm pyjama's last night for the cold winter nights since what I wear is not suitable for cold weather and I have to wear a vest all the time to stay warm in bed under my extra blankets. I saw a Christmas duvet cover I liked, but I had to skip it due to being low on money. Just like christmas clothes, a scent from The Body Shop and things like body butter from that range, cookbooks that came out recently, (And it's a lot) a novel from an author I like, and many more things this month simply because I can't afford. 

I have been saving money for christmas poststamps. I have been making a few euro's with selling paintings and cake and I decided to put that to use this year and buy christmas poststamps, and I already have cute christmas cards, like I said before. I gave my readers advice earlier on on how to celebrate an affordable christmas. Wear clothes from previous year, ditch the gifts if you don't have kids and work with what you still have on stock. I have to make choices this year. Though I don't have kids, gifts are important to me and I will see if I can get some at the cheap shops. It doesn't has to cost the headprice and I can celebrate Christmas at mom's, which saves me out on a Christmas dinner. I can also see if they have that shirt with the cute pinguin in the real life shop, which saves me an internet purchase. I'm pretty sure I can afford a Christmas shirt with real life money this year. I can't go overboard with luxury, but my shelves are full with items and products, and when it comes to that I can certainly make it this month. (I'm someone who hoards when she has money. I purchase multipacks, supplies and other items in large amounts so I have a stock on hand for times when I do less. Like this month.) It's a bit sour that it has to happen during the holidays. 

I had the luck I found a scent on my shelves from previous year for christmas, and I still happen to have a lot off perfume. So not buying a scent could be considered a first world problem in this case. I have duvet covers, and Christmas blankets, so despite the lack off Christmas in my duvet covers, I still have christmas on my bed. I purchased pyjama's in Christmas colours, so I can still have a bit off Christmas in my bed this year. The cookbooks are a bit baling, but I can also purchase them months after Christmas since I suspect they will be out for quite some time, they're not the newest off the newest anymore when I buy them, but it's going to be a long term project and it's just like that novel I would like to have, and that makes that problem solved. 

I still have decorations on the shelves and I have a home wich has a bit off holiday allure. Especially during the holidays, it's an allure that doesn't need much to give the feeling off a luxurious christmas. The rest off the year it's just allure (I hope it reflects that, since that's what I go for) And I already purchased a few decorations this year when my finances where still doing well. Maybe the Action has more for me from mom's money. (I also adviced my readers to take a bit off help from their parents when they do hard with Christmas this year.) 

I have had a fight with Hector the Ladybug in my head. I told him I have been giving away napkins to de Boed. I had a stock off packages from the period where I thought collecting napkins was a cool thing, and I had quite a cool collection. I was never about to use them so I decided to give away ten packages. I still have some napkins on stock for when I need them, but I believed giving away what I had too much was a good idea, just like giving away an orange nail polish to de Boed's nail polish bin so it can be off use to others for the soccer World Championship this month. I thought, if I keep it I have profit off it, but if I give it away, many ladies at de Boed can enjoy it this month. Hector got upset for me giving away items while I'm not rich, and he believed I was about to give away his items too if I could get a hand on it, and he didn't have stuff to give away. I realy had to explain to him the art off sharing. No matter how poor you are. I wasn't about to give away his items and those napkins and nailpolish where mine. Though he said he almost claimed them to keep the home at balance and know where everything is. Hector feels selfish and those napkins and nailpolish where mine so I could decide myself whether I wanted to give it away. I feel my napkins cheer up our boring meals when they use them. So that fullfills me with joy when we go to have lunch or dinner. Last night we had Hutspot with my old superhero napkins. That was pretty cool and I didn't use them anyway. 

What does that say about me that I got a fight with the voice inside my head over sharing stuff? I share stuff all the time, home made bakings, household products, that kind off stuff. I think it's important we share during a crisis where everything is so expensive. Poverty makes you think diffrent than when you would have had everything just for yourself your entire life, and I have been raised by a mom who believes in sharing stuff. I have been brought up with giving and sharing and that was a good thing. I hate selfishness, just like I hate arrogance. Hector wasn't just selfish, he also claimed my napkins and my freedom to do with them whatever I pleased. I told him I still have enough off them for myself and I told him his selfishness was everything that's wrong with modern youth in my opinion. It's not bad to share if you can. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.         

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