zondag 6 november 2022

Good evening at the 6th off November, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's rainy and wet outside. It's a grey autumn day. 


Today was for sharing apricot-cookie spices jam cookies at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. 

It was a good idea, and they're almost gone since people kept on coming back for a second one, or a third one. I think they will never taste the same after this huge crisis where everything is so expensive. But I have been silly enough to hand these to de Boed for free for them. I can talk easily. I'm a single woman with recources on the shelves and money on the bank. I got an accountant and a back up from Leviaan if life turns wrong this way. I can easily bake and share it with others. I believe in the saying: Small effort, big effect. Jam cookies are not hard, it's a bit off a work to fill them with jam, but it's not difficult. And sharing it feels great. I love to share my bakings. It's also such a compliment when it got liked big time.  

Other than finishing these cookies this morning, (baking them. I have been preparing the dough yesterday and this morning I have been baking everything.) and sharing them I have been a bit lazy today. I have been tired from doing a lot in my home and that got appreciated too by the caretaker who made my bed and folded my laundry this morning. Homework pays off. Not in money, but in positive vieuws and comments from caretakers. I can't always do it. Usually it's hard due to medication and lack off care for anything. But this week I was motivated. I think that is how it always should be: Motivated and on my feet to clean the house. I'm not the only one who slacks with it and motivation is difficult for a lot off people. But lucky are those who can find it within themselves. Honestly, I have been depressed a bit (A bit much) for a long time. 

Next week there won't be a baking, since it's going to be my mother's birthday and I will attempt there. I haven't been there for a while. Not since summer. Usually I go there more but my broken ankle was in the way. In fact, I had been planning going there for a whole week. But it didn't go as planned. I haven't had much off a summer vacation this year, except for day-dreaming about cruises over my own made chickensoup. And dreaming off the Sydney opera house. It didn't go much further than that. At least food makes people day-dream sometimes when it's good. In my day-dreams, I can go on vacations. Still, what do we got here? A cale potato stamp for dinner, a rainy day and old Zaandijk with all it's touristic charm. I'm stuck in the Netherlands most off the time. At least we had jamcookies today. Otherwise it would have been really boring without a clue. 

My home still smells like home made cookies. That's a positive thing about today. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.       

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